Gefira 72: The psyche of a gambler


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Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” is a worthless book, but its title says it all: people in positions of power view the whole world as a chessboard where nations are figures and pawns, where individuals have absolutely no value, where countries are the black and white squares, where all that matters is the excitement one gets from scheming and planning, from winning new territory, from capturing opponent pieces, from castling, mating and checkmating. That’s really all there is to it. Self-satisfied men and increasingly more often self-satisfied women driven by feminist madness enjoy their lives to the full, have no or few problems, travel the world over, and engage in the game of chess at the expense of hundreds of millions of people.

And you know what? They are admired by the descendants of those who suffered enormously at their hands. Take Alexander the Great for example or Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte. Millions suffered when those leaders waged wars, millions were killed, raped, deprived of their wealth, sold into slavery, resettled, imprisoned, mutilated, you name it. And? And their offspring, three and more generations later admire Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon: they write books about them and make films. That’s the way it has always been, it is and will always remain. That partly explains why upstarts desire to become new Alexanders, Caesars and Napoleons.

Consider no less a person than the fat Winston Churchill for that matter: with the inferno of a world war raging, with millions of people suffering or dying, the British Prime Minister had the time of his life: smoking cigars and sipping at cognac, well-fed and taken care of, he conducted talks with other leaders, had those dependent on him do things they would not like to do, spent his time with his head poised over a world map and thought about moving his chess pieces around. What a life! Then, after the hostilities were gone, he wrote a book about his role in the world conflict and was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature!

What does it look like today? Chess players on the Potomac and the Thames are playing a grand game against Russia and China, they are redesigning their own societies and imposing a reset on them, they are having the time of their lives and enjoying it the the full, while the hundreds of millions of people must come to terms with the calamities that are inflicted upon them. The managers on the Potomac and the Thames:

wage war in Ukraine,

open the borders of their countries wide to all kinds of the so-called refugees,

poise for the war with China,

redesign the moral norms of societal life,

destroy nations,

stop the whole world in its tracks because of a segment of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat that is said to be lethal (and don’t you dare challenge this statement!),

have people fight against the man-made climate change;

have people eat worms and insects,

make an assault on the biological sex (satanism pure),

that is to say they perform things that the people who are controlled by them do not want (unless their brains have been successfully operated on by the satanic triad of schools, entertainment and information) and that’s it. They behave like all those satraps we know from history: they incinerate cities or build new ones, they have there subject worship gods and topple down the old ones, they deify themselves and enjoy watching their subjects fighting to death on the arena, and they get off scot-free.

Playing a game, especially playing it for high stakes, draws the players in, so that they lose their mind, they lose control over themselves, and the game begins to control them, their behaviour, their decisions. Players turn to gamblers. The more they win and the easier their victories, the less capable are they of withdrawing from playing for ever higher stakes. This eventually brings about their downfall. Chess being chess, i.e. a game of a myriad of combinations, it naturally happens that the players or gamblers eventually miscalculate. Think about Alexander the Great (sudden death and the disintegration of his short-lived empire), Julius Caesar (final assassination of the tyrant), Charles XII of Sweden (defeat at Poltava 1709), Kara Mustafa Pasha (debacle at Vienna 1683), Napoleon Bonaparte (winter retreat from Russia, defeat at the Battle of Leipzig 1813, defeat at Waterloo 1815) or Adolf Hitler (debacle at Stalingrad and defeat at Kursk in 1943, eventual suicide in Berlin). Greed, self-pride, and miscalculation: the deification of one’s own capabilities.

Think about all those former crack-pots that attempted to forcefully catapult societies into happiness: Girolamo Savonarola, John Calvin, Maximilian Robespierre, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and the one or the ones you are thinking about now while reading these words, the ones who are trying to bless us with happiness today. Such people can for a time derail – derange – disrupt – upset – capsize and knock over a nation, a society, a number of nations and a number of societies but sooner or later their crazy ideas prove incapable of being upheld in real life and after a time they inevitably demise together with those who spawned them in their delirium.

Yes, delirium springing from delirious minds. Think for that matter about a lesser saviour of humanity, a man like Erich Honecker of East Germany. Towards the end of his life, despite the fact that he saw with his own eyes how much the system he had been trying hard to impose on East Germans was hated, despite the fact that he saw how much people wanted to shake off anything having to do with the ideology that he had been thrusting down their throats, despite the fact that that even his masters in Moscow betrayed him and turned him over to the West German court of law, despite all that evidence he still claimed to have been a blessing for the people of East Germany! Just watch him – an old, senile, doddering, slim, weak man with cancer eating away his entrails – raising his small, senile fist in an act of defiance in the presence of journalists now while leaving hospital, now while standing trial. Once he had imbibed the Marxist-Leninist baloney early in his youth, he lost all capabilities of rational thinking and simple cognition that ought to be based on the evidence of the senses. Never mind that the whole Eastern block had collapsed overnight, never mind that he had experienced the hate of East Germans face to face: he continued to cling to the ideas churned out by August Bebel and Karl Liebknecht. In other words, an atheist Marxist who was supposed to evaluate the world solely on materialistic principles was in his heart of hearts a fanatic believer.

Such are the present-day managers of the world: chess players, gamblers and fanatic apostles of the ideas that they have once imbibed from deranged brains that universities are infested with. They will continue to raise their senile little fists despite all the evidence proving them to be wrong: they will continue till their dying day to impose on us their insane religion until or unless they meet their end. Maybe now is the time of the beginning of their end.


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