Lifted sanctions, Ukraine left alone: Putin the big winner of the Paris attacks

Vladimir Putin is resuming the play. A year ago he was spurned on the international political scene only to become a key player nowadays. As he had a face-to-face talk with Barack Obama during the G-20 Summit in Turkey, he must have been complacent about his plan coming to fruition. Making use of the terror victims, of whom 224 were his compatriots, the Russian president is slowly but surely re-establishing his position, gradually fulfilling his aims. Europe needs Putin in her struggle against Jihadists. It will, however, have its price: Europe will have to lift the sanctions imposed on Russia and give up on plans of integrating Ukraine within the Union.


How devastating is the collapse of tourism for France?


The World Travel & Tourism Council regards commodities such as accomodation, transportation, entertainment, as well as food and beverage services or cultural services as a direct contribution to GDP. But tourism has also an indirect impact on the economy, like investment spending. To make the picture complete, also the expenditure of direct and indirect employees of the tourism industry, or the so called induced contribution, ought to be added. As a result, tourism altogether contributes almost 9% to France’s GDP and up to 10% to France’s employment. But still, it is less than in Greece, Portugal or Spain.