Turkey says France playing dangerous game in Libya

France is the country that is committing crimes and playing a dangerous game in Libya, Turkey’s ruling party spokesman said Tuesday.

Slamming French President Emmanuel Macron’s comments on Turkey’s role in Libya, Ömer Çelik, spokesman for the Justice and Development (AK) Party, said after a party board meeting that France is repeating the mistakes that it made in Rwanda over a quarter-century ago. Source Daily Sabah

Libya: Macron condemns Turkey’s “historic and criminal responsibility”

French President Emmanuel Macron accused Turkey in Meseberg (Germany) on Monday of having “historic and criminal responsibility” in the Libyan conflict as a country that “claims to be a member of NATO”.
“We are at a time of essential clarification of Turkish policy in Libya, which is unacceptable to us,” Macron said during a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reproaching Turkey in particular for to have “increased” its military presence in Libya and to have “massively re-imported jihadist fighters from Syria”. Source RFI

PLA bombers fly over Miyako Strait, approach Taiwan from east

wo Chinese bombers flew over the Miyako Strait Sunday (June 28) and approached Taiwan from the east, before turning around and flying back along the same route.

According to a press release from Japan’s Ministry of Defense Joint Staff, two People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Xi’an H-6 strategic bombers flew from the East China Sea and through the Miyako Strait between the Japanese islands of Okinawa and Miyakojima. In response, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force launched fighters to monitor the Chinese bombers. Source Taiwan News