Chicago Mayor Signs Executive Order to Ensure Illegal Immigrants Can Access Coronavirus Relief Funds

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued an executive order Tuesday to ensure that illegal immigrants and refugees in the city are able to access the city’s coronavirus relief benefits.

“This order is more than just an official decree, it is a statement of our values as a city and as Americans,” Lightfoot said in a statement. “Since COVID-19 first reached our city’s doorstep, we have been working around the clock to ensure all our residents are secure and supported, including our immigrant and refugee communities, who are among the most vulnerable to the impact of this pandemic.” Source National Review

More than a million Canadians believe they are on verge of bankruptcy, new poll suggests

More than a million Canadians believe they are on the verge of having to declare bankruptcy, according to the findings of a new poll released Thursday.

The survey conducted by DART & maru/Blue found an even larger group — 4.2 million Canadian adults — said they consider themselves to be heading towards bankruptcy over the next three months unless their personal financial conditions improve. Source Financial Post