What to opt for on the US market?

Assuming that the current crisis or recession is temporary and merely an interruption in the upward trend in the U.S. stock market that has been going on for many years, one should buy U.S. stocks soon, but be very selective.1

Behind us lies a year of a bear market, in which the word inflation was king in the media. By the end of last year, however, inflation had already subsided, giving way in the media to the ominous recession that is now on everyone’s lips. Historically, recessions have always been the best time to buy stocks, and the ideal time to buy stocks is in the middle of a recession. Therefore, in our opinion, the long-term investor should already be on the lookout for opportunities in the overvalued sectors and build up their positions on a regular basis.
In which sectors could there be great potential? In our opinion, such a search should start with the sectors that have been hit the hardest recently and are currently out of favor with investors. With this in mind, consider the growth sector (growth companies) of the U.S. equity market.

Growth companies are characterized by above-average growth in sales, profits and operating cash flow, as well as high profit margins and a high return on invested capital. In their case, the current valuation of the stock is of secondary importance and the most important factor is the positive outlook for further growth in the parameters responsible for the company’s profitability. Continue reading

EU like the church in the Middle Ages – before the split or before the Renaissance

The Middle Ages came to an end when people realized that the language of the rulers, the church, no longer fit the reality. The language that was the expression of religion (ideology) had to be renewed (Renaissance). Only then was the renewal expressed in art and architecture. Now the EU is in the similar point of its history. The level of alienation from reality of the EU and its bureaucracy has reached its peak. The language of the EU, its hypocrisy, ideological narrative became especially evident at the outbreak of the war in Ukraine: empty promises of arms deliveries, the yes and no for the sanctions, quasi-care for Ukrainians as a cover for the action of hostile takeover of Western Ukraine (its annexation into the EU zone of influence under US protectorate), the import of millions of Ukrainians to save the tragic, and demographic situation in the West of the continent. This Europe of many speeds, this rhetorical hoax about equality and equity, and this only valid, untouchable newspeak, uninterrupted by the war, in which LGBTQ+ and people of color are paid homage.

Democracy means that those in power represent “demos” (Greek: people). EU elites represent minorities, whom they call victims of the white repressive male system. The EU officials are puppets of the oligarchs and lobbyists, bought by the sheiks from Qatar, bought by Gazprom, bought by Big Pharma in the pandemic. 600 000 euros in the apartment of the Italian MP Pier Antonio Panzeri. A suitcase full of banknotes at the Greek EU vice-president. It’s easy to buy indulgences from von der Leyen, just like in the Middle Ages, isn’t it?

The “demos” of the EU elites does not exist, it is the fictitious people, shaped by newspeak, of denationalized citizens, of the people with only left-liberal views, of the people who turn a blind eye to the numerous scandals and affairs in Brussels because they live lavishly in the conflict-free, multicultural West. Suitcases full of money in every bedroom. Let us pray for Renaissance!

Reflections at the end of the year

Christmas reading from a guest author

I see them walking around shopping malls, laughing, carefree. I see them getting out of or into gleaming cars. I see them going along the streets and thronging the squares of my city. And I listen in. I listen in and hear them almost all and sundry speaking Russian. Beautiful, literary, radio and television Russian. I get thrilled by its sound. I recall the time when Soviet troops were stationed in my country. Soviet troops were statistically overwhelmingly composed of soldiers of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities, the three nationalities that speak Russian. There were quite a few of them, especially in the part of my homeland where I lived and where I still live. Back then, however, I didn’t hear Russian spoken on the streets at all. Nor did I see Soviet soldiers. Today, it is impossible to walk a hundred meters not to hear people talking in Russian, not to hear Russian spoken by… Ukrainians. Indeed, in a store you stand amazed when you hear both the customer standing in front of you and the cashier serving him communicate in Russian. You wonder if you have moved across the eastern border in your dream. Immediately, however, you come to the realization that you are still at home and ask yourself: are you sure you are still at home?

Now I am getting to know firsthand how the Germans, French, Swedes or English feel. They are at home, and yet as if not at home. But no. They probably have it worse. My country is taking in people of the same anthropological type, people who adhere to a similar creed: my country is being populated by Europeans. Of course, I realize that the aforementioned Germans, Frenchmen, Swedes and Englishmen need not feel at all bad about having relocated to a foreign country without relocating. After all, years of grooming by schools, the media and churches have done their part. I recall those young German women from 2015 with “Welcome refugees” signs and facial expressions that I won’t describe because of the not-so-nice words I would have to use. These young German, Swedish, French, English women whose minds have been completely appropriated and who do what their grandmothers would have been ashamed of, preach what their grandmothers would have condemned, believe what their grandmothers would not have thought of! Unfortunately, their grandmothers and grandfathers are leaving the stage and are – like me – deeply disgusted by what they see and hear.

I’m shopping in the big shopping mall of my city, listening and looking at the Ukrainians, looking at those so-called refugees, looking at the young men and young women, and I can’t help thinking that their countrymen are sitting in trenches, in tanks, in armored vehicles; that their countrymen are sitting in cold and unlit apartments and houses; that their countrymen have lost hope of effective medical help, that their countrymen…. And I can’t shake off the thought that their compatriots – like the sick man on his bed of pain – would like at least the presence of those here, those who shop around in brightened malls and smile and sit down at a table with coffee and cake; I can’t help thinking that their compatriots would like those here to be there with them and at least accompany them with their presence.

Someone will tell me I’m wrong. Someone will tell me that those there in the trenches and cold apartments are happy that at least some managed to break out, some managed to escape. Perhaps. In a similar situation I would, however, prefer my compatriots to be with me. I would not be comforted by the thought that, lo and behold, this man or this woman managed to escape. Rather, I would feel betrayed. I would feel left to my own devices by this man and this woman. I think there are more like-minded people, more people like me, who have neither so much cleverness, nor such acquaintances, nor such a lack of a sense of duty and solidarity with their compatriots to save themselves and not to bother with the fate of the other members of the community. I wouldn’t be heartened by the thought that many managed to escape. I know myself, so I know I would be pushed out of the train crowded with defectors or if you will refugees; I know I would not be able to arrange for fuel for my car, I would not be able to bribe an official to delete me from the conscription list. I would be helpless.

With this thought I saunter through the shopping mall, look at the people who we are told to call refugees – don’t you dare call them defectors or deserters! – and wonder about the world in which I happen to live. For several decades the word refugee has been present on the pages of dailies, weeklies and monthlies, for several decades the word refugee has not stopped resounding on radio and television. I can’t help thinking that this global movement of refugees is not a natural phenomenon; rather, behind the appearance of naturalness there is someone’s idea, an idea to resettle millions of people around the globe, an idea to make ethnic exchanges, to wipe nations off the face of the earth. A truly satanic intent. Solve et coagula: destroy (what is) and put back together or – as they customarily say nowadays – build back better (from scratch). Artistic stagings inaugurating the 2012 London Olympics or those accompanying the 2016 opening of the St. Gotthard Tunnel only confirm this conjecture.

It is obvious to me that these mass displacements are wanted. How else can we explain that phenomenon that the mighty United States spends billions of dollars arming Ukraine and is unable to control the endless stream of human masses crossing the southern US border? How else can we explain the phenomenon that one day German police forces are cracking down on some organization whose members allegedly sought a coup d’état and wanted to restore the German empire (quite a ridiculous idea), while Britain’s police forces failed to do what they ought to have done when gangs of Pakistanis enslaved and raped hundreds of teenage British girls in Rotherham and other towns for years? Where there is a will, that is a way. Obviously certain things are wanted. The accompanying double standards have become a political and social norm in the West. In all spheres of life. How to explain such extraordinary vigilance of the Western media to any manifestation of – what they call – nationalism or Nazism while they turn a blind eye or even support groups with a nationalist and Nazi political profile in Ukraine?

What is the so-called public opinion on all this? It is difficult to make judgments about true public opinion. After all, what passes for public opinion is nothing more than the opinion of the leading mass media, that is, the small group of people who dispose of these media. Period. Here is the German Chancellor giving a speech against the backdrop of a sign: Deutschland – Einwanderungsland. Do all Germans really wish for an ever-growing mix of anthropological types, religions and cultures in their country? Here is the American president repeating again and again that diversity is America’s strength and that it’s a good thing that whites have already become a minority in the US since 2017. Does he really believe this? Does he have people of various anthropological types, faiths and cultures in his family? How about the other Western countries? Alas, everywhere the same hypocritical ideology and everywhere this supposedly authentic public opinion that wants diversity and immigration. Somehow I don’t want to believe it. And the reason I don’t believe all of this is because I’m from a country where, just a month before he completely lost power, the then leader was still achieving a 98 percent result in parliamentary elections….

Similarly, I don’t believe in the man-made climate change with which our consciousness has been assaulted for more than a quarter of a century. Why I don’t believe in it? Precisely because my consciousness is being assaulted with this nonsense ruthlessly, day in, day out; precisely because this man-made climate change gibberish is being thrust down my throat; precisely because I am being shown hysterical teenagers who are seriously convinced that in a few years they won’t have air to breathe. I am thoroughly sick of it! Continue reading

Gefira 69: Is the time of darkness about to end?

As the year draws to a close, perhaps a certain era is drawing to a close, an era in which the anti-culture, which calls itself cancel culture, will finally breathe its last and take with it to the grave all the abominations it has bestowed upon us for several decades. And this cancel culture has bestowed upon us generously: the war between the sexes, the war between the races, the war on biological sex, the war of man against man in defense of animals and plants! Just think about all the lunacy that we have seen: models on the catwalks in ridiculous nun outfits (what kind of psyche does one need to have to do something like that?), Dutch farmers arrested by the police for refusing to give up on the fields they have cultivated for generations, successive packages of sanctions that hit those who impose them, the constant ethnic replacement that is being carried out in so-called democratic countries without the populations being asked for consent, the virus craze, and the final admission by the authorities that vaccinated people… die more often than the unvaccinated! (however, if until a few months ago this and that person advised against overdoing the sanitary restrictions, they were subject to punishment or at best ridiculed), men with haircuts that women wear, people of both sexes tattooed from head to toe, a Swedish teenage girl casting a spell on obliging presidents and prime ministers, an Amazonian goddess inside the most important temple of the Catholic Church, Ukrainian oligarchs of Jewish origin paying for Ukrainian nationalist and… anti-Semitic militias, an Indian Prime Minister of the UK, census results showing that the two largest British cities are each populated by a majority of people of color, the same stats showing that the UK is no longer a Christian country, the ritual kneeling of athletes either in support of blacks or people with sexual deviations during international competitions… the list is endless!

The year is coming to an end, the darkness will expand for only a few more days, and then it will begin to retreat, and then it will begin to give way to the light. Let’s hope that not only this astronomical darkness will soon begin to lose its power, but also its human, social, and mental counterpart. Absurdity and craziness have accumulated so much that it can only get better now. If no argument helps anymore, people generally sober up when they come face to face with a real problem, with real poverty, with a real challenge and with a real threat. We have a war. We have a war in Eastern Europe. The war will bring with it an economic crisis. As millions of people begin to starve and freeze, as the time of trial drags on, they will stop thinking about gender reassignment or the compensation for slavery, which ended 200 years ago, they will stop tattooing themselves and dressing themselves ridiculously in the habits of nuns: they will simply begin to fight for survival, for a modest meal and a little warmth at home. They will from one day to another realize what is important and what is not, they will find out where bread and fuel eventually come from (not from shops or filling stations!), they will suddenly become aware that family and nation matter after all simply because a person alone, when welfare systems disappear, is not able to survive from day to day. Who then will bother to promote gender assignment? Who then will think of installing toilets for the third gender? War and deprivation discipline people effectively. Very effectively. So there is hope that the nonsense and madness will soon end. That the day will come.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #69 is available now

  • From B for B’nai B’rith to S for Selenskyj
  • Leftist venom
  • The best stock market investment of the last 20 years?
  • The FED will continue to decide the fate of the equity markets in 2023

They were slaves too! So what?

They could have come at almost any time of the year, although they obviously preferred the warm months. They could have waited for the troops guarding the area to change their place of deployment. They could attack this village or that town to deliberately draw the protection troops away from their intended victims, in intended towns and villages. With the troops guarding these territories being occupied elsewhere, they would then attack villages or towns, loot and pillage, burn and tear down, but above all abduct hundreds, thousands of people. Who?

The Tatars – a Mongolian people – who inhabited the Crimea at the time. Yes, the same Crimea over which there is now a dispute between Ukraine and Russia; the same Crimea which, in 1954, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, arbitrarily detached from Russia and gave to Ukraine; the same Crimea from which Comrade Joseph Stalin, a darling (Uncle Joe) of the Western press during the years of the Second World War, evicted the Tartars; the same Crimea which the English and French tried to conquer in the 19th century (Crimean War); the same Crimea which Empress Catherine II of Russia conquered in the 18th century. The Tartars found their way to this peninsula in the Middle Ages when they invaded eastern and central Europe. In the times we are talking about they were Muslim vassals of Turkey.

(Excuse the following remark, but most of the readers have no idea about all this. There is nothing wrong with them not having the slightest idea about the history of this peninsular or, indeed, any other region around the world, so long as they do not start judging who is right in this or that dispute, in this or that corner of the globe. But we digress.)

The people abducted almost year after year for two centuries – hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of white and Christian men, women and children (the old and sick were simply killed by the Tartars) – were then taken to the slave markets in Turkey, above all in Istanbul, the former Constantinople, where children were separated from their parents, where spouses were separated, where siblings were separated, and they were sold to buyers from all ends of the Ottoman Empire (which stretched from Iran to Morocco, from Belgrade to Sudan), with pretty young girls being placed in harems where they sexually serviced Muslim men, with many teenage boys selected to serve in the harems of the sultan and men in top positions being castrated. Anaesthesia in the modern sense of the word was unknown at the time. If you occasionally watch Turkish films or observe Turkish athletes, you are bound to be amazed more than once by the appearance of some of them: the appearance of a European anthropological type. Continue reading

The West is preparing a second front against Russia

Little is written about this in the Western media – in fact nothing – and meanwhile tensions are rising in Kosovo. Let us recall: Kosovo – part of Serbia, the historic cradle of Serbian statehood – was separated from Serbia by the West without a corresponding decision by the United Nations. Most Western countries recognised Kosovo’s independence on the basis of the right of peoples to self-determination. Somehow the same motivation did not work in the case of Crimea and Donbass, but let us leave these details aside.

The direct triggers of the current tensions are as follows. One is that the authorities in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, have taken the decision to order all drivers to change their licence plates to Kosovar ones. The Serbian minority still living in Kosovo has resisted. The Serbs have right on their side: as Kosovo is still part of Serbia, the introduction of licence plates other than those of Serbia is not legally mandated. Another reason for tensions is the unclear case of a police officer of Serbian nationality who was arrested by the Kosovo authorities. The Serb minority reacted very strongly: barricades were erected in the streets in towns where Serbs live.

As if this were not enough – or perhaps precisely to escalate tensions – on 15 December this year Pristina submitted an application for Kosovo’s admission to the European Union. Although several members of the Union – and these are Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain – do not recognise Kosovo’s independence, which blocks even the consideration of a membership application, for some reason Pristina took this step. Apparently, it got the signal that such a step should be taken right now. This begs the question: what is going on in the Balkans again? What is it all about? Well, the answer is rather obvious.

In Europe, Serbia is the only country that has friendly relations with Russia. Belgrade, despite pressure from the European Union, has not joined the sanctions imposed by Brussels on Russia. President Vučić – even if he wanted to – is not in a position to pursue a policy hostile to Moscow because the overwhelming majority of Serbs consider the Russians to be friends and Russia to be an ally. This is due to the fact that Serbs and Russians are Slavs, that Serbs and Russians are peoples who profess Orthodox Christianity; finally, Serbs feel gratitude towards Russia for the fact that in the late 19th century Russia fought against Turkey, which ruled over Serbia for centuries, and for the fact that Russia stepped in to defend little Serbia in 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Belgrade. Anyone who has read and remembers Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” will recall that one of the main characters, Anna Karenina’s lover, a Russian officer, goes to war with Turkey precisely to defend the Serbs. True, Russia did not help Serbia in 1999, when NATO bombed it for 78 days, because Russia itself was then in deep political, social and economic crisis.

What did the policymakers in Berlin, Paris, London and Washington have in mind? They have thought of killing two birds with one stone. The powers that be are putting pressure on Belgrade through the unrest in Kosovo to force Serbia to join the sanctions. As long as Belgrade resists this, the unrest in Kosovo will continue to grow. This is one of the goals the West wants to achieve. The other is to hit Russia in the one place in the Balkans where it has political and cultural influence. Of course, it will be impossible for Moscow to help Serbia, as Serbia has become a landlocked country, surrounded by NATO members. However, Russia will have to undertake something, and this will deplete the effort it is currently putting into defeating the West on the military training ground that goes by the name of Ukraine.  Continue reading

Have you listened to the President of Belarus?

Have you ever listened to any speech by the President of Belarus? Certainly not. Why would you? But somehow you know that he is a dictator, tyrant and satrap. Somehow you know that the people don’t like him and don’t want him as president. You know because you have been told repeatedly that Alexander Lukashenko is president only because, in collusion with a group of people like him in top positions, he rigs elections, practices propaganda and does God knows what else just to stay in power. Isn’t this the way to look at the situation in Belarus? Who would bother and check how it really is! Who would even think of checking what the media of the so-called free world say about some Belarus! After all, it is known that Belarus is a backward country, which – oh, horror! – does not belong to the European Union and – horror of horrors! – doesn’t even apply for it! Has anyone heard anything like this? How is it even possible not to want to belong to the European Union?! This alone shows that President Lukashenko is governing badly. So why listen to him? Why read his speeches? Why even find out how he, how his entourage, how the vast majority of Belarusians think, how they look at the world? After all, the Western media have already explained it all to us in detail. After all, we know that the whole Belarusian nation wants to be ruled by Mrs. Tikhanovskaya and the Belorussian people want her to include their country in the European Union as soon as possible because, as we know, without the European Union there is no salvation. But let’s return to the Belarusian president.

If we were willing to listen to or read at least one longer speech by him, we would understand why Alexander Lukashenko has been in power for twenty years and why people continue to elect him. We would have understood that the presidential election could not have been rigged. We would understand that those who rioted in the streets of Minsk were juvenile delinquents that Belarusians by no means support. We would understand that Aleksandr Lukashenko is held in high esteem by the vast majority of the nation, and that if not every Belarusian has a high opinion of him, the alternative for every Belarusian is much worse. What does the Belarusian president say to the nation that makes him liked and respected? Why does the West hate him?

Aleksandr Lukashenko presents himself best when he speaks spontaneously. He does it with passion and speaks like a man to a man: he speaks as if he is addressing someone with whom he is feasting at a table. He speaks like a human being, not an EU apparatchik who spews out of his mouth alternately democracy and human rights along with climate change. Alexander Lukashenko talks about the lives of ordinary people and uses the language of ordinary people, and not once does he use this newspeak full of green economics or climate change or human rights. He addresses pressing economic and social problems, and sees them exactly as ordinary people see them. Continue reading