America’s helplessness

Nordstream pipes have been blown up. Sure, no one knows who did it, and yet…. everyone knows. At a time when referendums in the four provinces of eastern Ukraine (historically: Novorossiya) are sealing the fate of those regions by handing them over to Russia, at a time when European countries fear the coming winter and hesitate to cut all trade ties with Moscow, at a time when right-wing parties are gaining popularity across Europe, the United States, seeing its policies falling apart, is erupting in hysteria.

Former Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, married to US neocon Anne Applebaum, wrote a message of thanks to the US. Was it a slip of the tongue, or did he act on American orders to indirectly show the Russians who was behind the sabotage? Either way, Russian journalists using open source airborne radar were able to trace the mysterious plane’s flight across the Baltic to Poland, and then across the Baltic again, including over the site of the sabotage: the area around Bornholm Island. That the Polish government and Polish elites are rabidly anti-Russian is well known.

Ukraine is slowly but nevertheless shrinking territorially. This is always the case when a country relies too much on Western aid. President Zelenski was ready to sit down at the negotiating table soon after the outbreak of hostilities. He was quickly barred from doing so. Now the country he leads has lost four pieces of its territory – permanently. No one in their right mind believes that Russia will ever give them back to Ukraine after what has been going on these past few months, after so much bloodshed, after all the sanctions, and now after the disruption of two gas pipelines.

You ought to be recycled

Scientists and philosophers have advanced a few criteria that distinguish humans from animals. Among these are the fact that humans are bipeds (but also birds are and some mammals like kangaroos), that humans use hands for purposes other than moving the body or catching prey, that humans use tools with which they make other tools, that humans have developed speech that is unmatched by any system of communication that animals have, that humans can think abstractly, imagining or visualizing things that have never been or are yet to come or to be made, that humans have developed religious faith and so on, and so forth. One more threshold separating animals from humans is the fact that unlike animals humans take care of their dead: humans do not leave them behind; rather, they practise funeral rites (religious or non-religious, it doesn’t matter) and bury the dead in special places in a special way. Throughout centuries if not millennia the human body – usually regarded as a dwelling of human spirit, a soul, a divine spark – was accorded special respect. In Christianity it was even compared to or regarded as a temple, a temple of the Holy Spirit i.e. of God himself. Defilement of the body, including defilement of the dead body – even the body of a bitter enemy – has always been viewed as a repellent act of barbarism and primitivism.

Lo and behold the first quarter of the 21st century is taking steps towards regarding the human body as – first – a burden for the planet, for the earth, and – second – as a lump of biological material that can be put to good use. A new bill on natural organic reduction first signed in the state of Washington and recently in California allows dead human bodies to be composted rather than buried or cremated and then as a result of the process known as liquid cremation to be turned into fertilizer for soil. The composting will be done in licensed hydrolysis facilities using heat, pressure, water, and chemical agents.

If two American states have issued such a ruling, others are likely to follow. Bearing in mind the pervasive presence of the climate change and decarbonization clap-trap, the European Union’s countries are also likely to consider such a solution. Why not? After years of making people believe that they are a burden on the planet and that cremation of deceased bodies leaves a large carbon footprint, after years of suppressing any belief in the existence of the soul, humans have lost the due respect to their bodies, especially when those bodies are not alive.

It is interesting to remark that after the long-induced self-hate of white people of European descent who have been made to leave the space that they occupy for non-whites and who have been made to denigrate their own past, culture and heroes the time has arrived for the same people to be made to think low of their own bodies. Already when those bodies are alive you are encouraged to cover them with all sorts of tattoos, to pierce earlobes and lips and tongues, to misshape foreheads and earlobes – a sign of either cultural atavism or disrespect for the body – then why should you pay any respect to this misshaped something after it is of no use to you? You ought to be useful in a material sense of the word after your death, your body ought to be useful the way animal bodies are: you ought to be recycled.

General political observations

In Western Europe we have the United Kingdom comprising England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; we also have the Federal Republic of Germany with its several autonomous provinces complete with their parliaments and governments; on the other hand we had the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with its six autonomous parts, and the Soviet Union with its fifteen republics, in both cases complete with their parliaments and governments. It happened so that the former – the United Kingdom and West Germany – have remained intact while the latter – Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union are history.

Observation number 1: Certain federations or unions persist, others do not. Why?

Of the two states that fell apart, one disintegration was bloody (that of Yugoslavia), the other peaceful (that of the Soviet Union). In either case external forces were involved and helped the said states to disappear in thin air. There were separatist tendencies in the United Kingdom – especially in Northern Ireland – and they somehow petered out; contrarily, two German states that had existed before 1989 united rather than fall apart. For all practical purposes in the four countries under discussion – the United Kingdom, Germany, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union – the absolute and overwhelming majority of their citizens spoke one and the same language; it was, respectively, English, German, Serbo-Croat and Russian.

Observation number 2: Some states composed of autonomous parts with separatist tendencies dissolve, others do not. How does that happen?

The separatist tendencies are separatist only in a sense of the word. The autonomous political entities that made up Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia disrupted the corresponding unions, claiming that they were in desperate need of independence only to… willingly give this independence up on the following day and eagerly become parts of the European Union. What sense does it make?

Observation number 3: Some unions of states are desired, others are not. What is the criterion? Who lays down this criterion?

The dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union was only made possible because national feelings were aroused and exploited. They were exploited by external forces. Simultaneously the national, patriotic, ethnic sentiment of the indigenous populations in other parts of Europe are suppressed, discouraged or ridiculed.

Observation number 4: National feelings are either enhanced or suppressed, depending on what purpose they serve. Who controls those processes? Who decides over them?

Of the warring parties – Serbs and Croats or Russians and Ukrainians – the judgement passed by what is referred to as the international community says that one is – without a shade of a doubt – the guilty party (Serbs and Russians) while the other is an innocent victim (Croats, especially Albanians, and Ukrainians); consequently, the guilty parties allegedly spread lies, the whole lies and nothing but the lies while the innocent parties tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which is why the former need to be censured while the others supported by the media of the so called free world.

Observation number 5: How is it possible that a conflict is sparked by exclusively one party with the other being remarkably innocent? Why does the general public buy into it lock, stock and barrel?

The independence of Kosovo has been recognized by many countries and that has been approved of by the international community; the independence of the Donbass republics has been recognized by one state and this act did not meet with approval.

Observation 6: Who decides whether a political move is commendable? What makes a political move praiseworthy?

Gefira 66: Sapere aude!

The summer holidays are over. The war that Russia wages against NATO in Ukraine shows no signs of coming to an end; Europeans are facing ever-increasing energy prices that threaten to either push them on the brink of starvation, poverty, and unemployment or make them take to the streets and overthrow their governments; the new British government has been formed in which the key positions have been assigned to non-Whites; Queen Elizabeth II has died, a monarch who ruled the United Kingdom for seventy years, a symbol of tradition, honour, duty, Christian faith and patriotism.

In ancient Rome augurs would either cut the entrails of animals out or let birds fly in the hope of uncovering signs predicting the future. We may laugh at those practices and yet. And yet there are signs that portend events. When Pope Benedict XVI resigned, a huge flash of lightning hit the top of the dome of St Peter’s Basilica. It was captured on film. Clearly, the Catholic Church under its successor Pope Francis is becoming increasingly different with emphasis being put on ecology, immigrants and of all the religious things on Pachamama! What is the United Kingdom going to look like under Charles the III? He, too, is obsessed with ecology and climate change. What will the Old Continent look like? What does future hold forth when it comes to the Western world?

The Western world, which is hellbent on weakening and subjugating Russia and China; the Western world, which is hellbent on having its population replaced; the Western world, which has very porous borders and simultaneously fears far-off aggressors; the Western world, which is infiltrated by foreigners day in, day out, and simultaneously claims to be afraid of North Korea or Iran… These are some of the legitimate questions one needs to ask, one wants to know answers to. Does the death of the queen mark an epochal change?

Yugoslavia with its few nations each of which enjoyed a measure of autonomy was held together so long as Marshal Josip Bros Tito was alive. It took very few years after his death for Yugoslavia to disintegrate. The United Kingdom is also made up of autonomous regions – England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland – with separatist tendencies. The deaths of the general secretaries of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko, who acted as real rulers of the USSR – also heralded the end of an epoch. The British people of all political persuasions may have felt loyalty to the monarch who embodied the best in their culture and tradition: will they want to pledge allegiance to Kwasi Kwarteng, the new chancellor of the exchequer, James Cleverly, the new foreign secretary, and Suella Braverman, the new home secretary? 


Gefira Financial Bulletin #66 is available now

  • Russia must perish!
  • Clash of civilisations
  • Mentality can be changed
  • Copper is the new lithium!

The energy crisis is planned and desired Electricity prices skyrocket, but that’s our new better world after all

The Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) were introduced with the Kyoto Protocol and imposed on the EU and other countries by the infamous Al Gore. His idea that whoever produces more CO2 has to pay for it was seemingly clear at the beginning and many immediately embraced it, but the ETS quickly became financial instruments in the hands of large investors and thus began to serve as such for speculation. ETS became a commodity on the stock exchange, traded just like bitcoin or CFDs (Contract for Differences). The fact that in the end it is the end consumer who suffers is of no interest to high finance, the EU and US elites. Take Elon Musk, for example. Do you think he earns his money by selling electric cars? Not by any means. By 2021, he won’t have made a single cent of profit from car production. Until last year, his company made its best profits from trading CO2 certificates. In the last three years it was $3.3 billion. Another of Musk’s gold mines is trading in Bitcoin. As reported by Tagesschau at one time, Tesla had acquired Bitcoins for $1.5 billion from January to March 2021 and then resold them for the profit of $300 million. Everyone knows that Bitcoin production and transaction means enormous energy consumption. Never mind, the main thing is that it is a modern currency. Wow! Are electric cars not environmentally friendly at all because exorbitant amounts of precious and industrial metals are needed in their production? No problem. The main thing is to scrap old cars and buy new “emission-free” ones, according to the Green narrative. You have a Tesla? Wow! The ruble is rolling, one would like to say, although the ruble is just rolling towards China, as Russia has multiplied its exports to the Middle Kingdom since the sanctions were introduced, making nonsense of the West’s sanctions. Driving old diesel is yuck, but taking a tour into space with Spacex is mega cool. Isn’t that right, Greta? You’ve already circled the globe with the most environmentally unfriendly means of transport. The time is coming for the moon. Putin’s action against Ukraine is simply a good reason to speed up the green revolution in the West.  Continue reading

Giuliano di Bernardo or how the Freemasons want to dismantle democracies

If you are confused in these difficult times, if you no longer know what and whom to believe in, then numerous, modern gurus come to your aid. One of them is the Great Master of the Grand Orient, Professor of Philosophy Giuliano di Bernardo. It is one of those people who, like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg or Yuval Noah Harari, already know our future and have ready-made solutions for all of humanity’s problems.

The public became aware of the professor from Trent during the pandemic period when he said: “Pandemics will be the rule and not the exception; they must be controlled without democracy, which is a system full of weaknesses. The whole world will have to be ruled by “a god” who can do everything, like the president of China. To create the new man, embryonic cells will have to be used, and Catholics will have to accept this (…) and transhumanism cannot be controlled with the consent of the masses.”1

Freemasonry is a mixture of occult philosophy, hermeticism, Christian Kabbalah, magic, alchemy, ideas of the Rosicrucians and as such does not seem to fit into the modern world. Freemasons consistently develop their ideas in their think tanks and to them belong and have belonged the most powerful of this world: kings and nobles, presidents and politicians, writers and artists, scientists and charlatans. Continue reading

Of real and imaginary weather witches

When floods or violent thunderstorms occurred in the Middle Ages, people blamed the tempestarii or weather witches. In the Alps they were also blamed for falling rocks. In some areas, it was a custom to burn green wood in the stove during a thunderstorm in order to drive away the storm witches with the smoke. Weather witches were persecuted as the servants of the devil. For example, after the hailstorm of 1562 in south-west Germany, persecutions of witches took place in Wiesensteig, Esslingen and Sindelfingen, among other places.

Nowadays, a different superstition prevails: humans are responsible for all the freak weather, all climate change is exclusively anthropogenic in nature. And we wicked witches and storm makers in our fat SUVs, on our cruise ships with a plastic cup in our hand, with our gigantic CO2 footprint are to blame for all the natural disasters. The angry, screaming girls and women, like Greta Thunberg or other climate icon from Fridays for Future Luisa Neubauer would love to burn us at the stake.

The blockades of the streets in the centres of the big cities could be classified as terrorist acts if they were organised by the right-wing scene, for example, but in the case of the new superstition, the green climate Jesuits, this is not the case.

Climate change may be a fact. It is also a fact that it cannot be proven that, for example, the terrible flood of 2021 on the upper Ahr in Germany was caused by humans. There were also major floods in this area in the Middle Ages and later centuries, long before the industrial revolution. But for the left-green scene it was clear at the time that humans were responsible. Luisa Neubauer immediately announced more pressure on politics and the then candidate for chancellor, Olaf Scholz, said “This natural disaster certainly has something to do with the fact that climate change is progressing at speed”. Yes, Mr. Scholz: we must wash ourselves clean of our eco-sins and buy indulgences from the Greens. Even more expensive electricity, even higher car taxes. Whether it’s fires in Czechia or floods in Romania, it’s the weather witches. Why do the climate prima donnas of the new green church behave like weather witches themselves, angrily shouting at elders, quarrelling and insolent with their enigmatic magic words like “sustainable”? Why do they lead double lives like the aforementioned Luisa, known for her penchant for long-haul flights? Shouldn’t we take the precaution of burning green wood in the oven?