Turkey ‘cannot integrate Russian missiles to NATO system, there are consequences’

A leading NATO official Gen.Pavel has said that Turkey will face “consequences” if it purchases a Russian air-defense system.“The principal of sovereignty obviously exists in acquisition of defense equipment, but the same way that nations are sovereign in making their decision, they are also sovereign in facing the consequences of that decision.” Source: Hurriyet Daily News

One man killed, three wounded in Kiev explosion

An explosion in Kiev on Wednesday killed one man and wounded three others including Ukrainian lawmaker Ihor Mosiychuk, an Interior Ministry official said in a post on Facebook. “Altogether four people were wounded in the explosion. Unfortunately, one could not be saved. He died on the way to the hospital from the wounds he received. This man is around 30 years old and his identity is being confirmed,” ministry adviser Zoryan Shkiryak said. Source Tomson Reuters