Transport ministry developing self-driving snowplows to offset driver shortage

The transport ministry will speed up work to develop snow removal vehicles with self-driving technology. The ministry plans to test the vehicles on other public roads from, usig data from the Michibiki quasi-zenith satellite network behind Japan’s version of the Global Positioning System set to debut in April. The use of snow removal vehicles requires skilled drivers, but most are getting too old, and the shortage is generating concerns. Source JapanTimes

Nationalist Outburst from Turkey’s Opposition Leader: Aegean Islands are Turkish

Speaking at a meeting of Turkish industrialists on Thursday, the head of the CHP party wondered why Erdogan is not prepared to claim the Greek islands of the Aegean, in which he says are Turkish. His outburst follows criticism leveled by Erdogan towards former Turkish president Bulent Ecevit whom he accused of being a stooge for American interests in the region. Source Greek Reporter