Gefira 89: Once a liar, always a liar


  • Mendacity, Mendacity, Mendacity
    We care about the well-being of all the people around the globe
    In democracies it is the people, the majority of voters, who decide the course a nation, a state, an organization takes
    It is the invisible hand of the market that rules the economy
    We care about democracy…
    The free world is a free world because there is no censorship
    The UN chart, honesty in policy making and the good of all are what we are after…
    Double standards
  • Mario Draghi or why Europe’s economy is lagging behind
    Visions of a failed man
    How can Europe’s problems be solved?
    Who will pay for Europe’s new strategy?
  • Recommendations
    America first, but America of which Americans?


A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Such will be the wishes that the EU leaders are going to say to each other. No, not such. Christmas will be left out of it. Maybe a Merry Climate and a Happy Wokeism! The aging blonde model on an EU catwalk is going the say these words, along with the bunch of other woke women who are in charge of the fate of the millions of European Europeans and African Europeans and Asian Europeans. Such and similar wishes are going to be uttered by the bellicose peace-loving men from NATO. The bellicose peace-loving commissioners and high representatives are going to ensure us that Putin has lost the war and that Ukraine has won it; that we are defending values against anti-values, and so on. The usual stuff.

So, a Merry Climate and a Happy Wokeism, our dear readers! What does the coming year have in store for us? Yes, you guessed it right: more of the same. The same climate change insanity and the same wokeism; the same myriads of sanctions and the same wars for democracy and human rights around the globe; the same ugliness of the European Song Contest and the same millions of immigrants; the same complaints about the far-right and the same riots by Antifa; the same inflation coupled with financial crises, and the same expenditure on military purposes.

So, abandoning the far-right, intolerant, outdated wishes of a Merry Christmas and replacing them with a Merry Climate and a Happy Wokeism, brace yourself for the same problems, the same pandemics of lunacy, the same hatreds and the same biases, the same double-standards and the same wild accusations. Brace yourself for mendacity and surrealism; brace yourself for a continuation of a world turned inside out and upside down. If you want to have a clear picture of the days to come, watch the latest Jaguar ad. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do. If you feel comfortable in a world like the one from this commercial – then lucky you! If, however, you perceive the world encapsulated in this ad as repulsive, then lasciate ogni speranza.