Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

She has two most important features to run the superpower

In former socialist countries – countries of Central and Eastern Europe – almost all major managerial positions needed to be held by the representatives of the working class or the peasantry. Make a survey of the educational or professional background of all the leaders of those countries in between 1945 and 1989, and you will have a hard time finding individuals with a genuine university degree or individuals whose parents were members of the intelligentsia or – God forbid! – the gentry. There were exceptions here and there, but you know: exceptions prove the rule. Now this policy of staffing the government, the institutions, the military and the law enforcement with working-class people and people of rural descent was something that was enforced on the nations of Central and Eastern Europe. Paradoxically it was imposed by the leaders of the leftist parties who were for the most part descendants of the gentry or the intelligentsia. Probably, genuine workers and genuine peasants would not have come up with an idea of thinking that they are sufficiently qualified to hold the reins of power. The members of the working class and the peasantry needed first to be brainwashed into believing that an unqualified individual was both good enough to lead a nation, to run an institution or to manage a manufacturing plant, and that such an individual was even better than all those educated representatives of the intelligentsia or the gentry.

We should not wonder, after all. The leftist movement is all about equality and equity, all about robbing Peter to pay Paul, all about promises of brotherhood and justice (necessarily with the adjective social) and bliss. The leftist movement is also all about enforcing brotherhood and love and respect on people. Yes, about enforcing those feelings and forbidding the feelings of dislike, loathing or hate. Yes, the leftists are about not only challenging the biological sex but also challenging most basic psychological processes.

The leftist ideas were born and developed in Western Europe (Saint Simon, Fourier; Rousseau, Diderot, Voltaire; Marx, Engels; Marcuse, Habermas, Fromm, Spinelli), and they were picked up by the intellectuals from the Eastern part of the continent, where they were put to practice for a number of decades. They were then exported to the Third World, making an impression that the capitalist – right-wing – world was about to disappear. Apparently it did not, though in practice it has all but demised. It is not that the capitalists were done away with: they have been converted to the leftist ideas!

Alexander Soros, a leftist billionaire is among the backers of Kamala Harris

The leftist ideas of viewing society as two opposing classes have transpired to be very attractive to the intellectuals around the globe and to the capitalists. Since towards the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century due to the technological development the numbers of the working class and the peasantry have waned to the point of almost disappearing, the leftist activists desperately looked around for a replacement and they have found it soon enough: women, non-white people and individuals with unnatural sexual proclivities.

On the face of it today’s world propagated by the leftist movements resembles the one from Central and Eastern Europe of yesterday: the difference is that now leading positions are to be held by representatives of non-white people, women and individuals with abnormal sexual proclivities. It is not longer the workers or the peasants who are adored and worshipped.

Why are we talking about all this? For the simple reason that history has somehow repeated itself. Again, it is not the qualifications or competence of an individual that matters, but the individual’s social position. Back then, in Central and Eastern Europe, you were a good candidate to run a country or a factory or an institution if you happened to be a worker or a peasant; today your chances of being selected to similar managerial positions increase automatically if you are (i) non-white and (ii) a woman. Hence Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s vice president – she was selected precisely because she is a woman and because she is non-white; hence Kamala Harris as a replacement for Joe Biden because she is (i) non-white, and (ii) a woman. Never mind her competence, her qualifications, her whatever. The two most important features are there for all to see: a non-white woman. That’s it.

Now there is some difference between the former socialist countries and the leftist countries of the Western World today. In the former socialist countries, the procedure of selecting the working-class individuals or individuals from the peasantry was enforced: people in general did not approve of it. It so happens at present in the West that the majority of whites have had their minds changed and they embrace the new normal. Many, far too many, vote for non-white, non-male candidates just to virtue-signal how progressive they are, just not to expose themselves as racists or misogynists. They voted for Barack Obama because he is black; they voted for Hilary Clinton because she is a woman; they are going to vote for Kamala Harris because she is both.

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