Conservatives win in Poland; unexpected ally for United Kingdom in Europe

The new conservative government in Poland is giving grounds for anxiety in some of the European countries. The sweeping victory of Law and Justice and the resulting rule by that party may bring about significant changes on the European political stage, which, however, need not necessarily be looked upon as harmful. Poland may join the party line of David Cameron, who supports a reformatory trend in the European Union, which in turn may prevent the United Kingdom from leaving this political organization.

Law and Justice (Polish PiS) led by Jarosław Kaczyński has come back to rule the country after eight years during which it was Civic Platform (Polish PO) that held the reins of power; the latter deprived of its leader Donald Tusk has failed to convincingly address the numerous complaints made by the electorate. The victory reported by PiS is by no means sensational nor is it a political upheaval; the huge difference between the number of votes gained by PiS as opposed to those won by PO may be surprising, though. Weiterlesen