Who ordered Tsipras and Varoufakis to change their course?

The US and the IMF are in the driver’s seat again in the Europe political arena. Berlin has no alternative besides accepting the US-IMF proposal for Greece. After Sunday’s referendum in Greece, the country leaving the Euro seems immanent, but since Monday some very odd and unexplained things have happened.

It could be that Tsiparis and Varoufakis suddenly started to understand that the greatly hailed BRICS bank only has a fund of 100 Billion, which is a fraction of the 700 Billion ESM fund. The ESM fund was created by the European Monetary authorities to stabilize the Euro.

The 53 Billion euro Greece urgently needs will immediately drain the BRICS bank fund by more than 50%. Russia and China do not like to see their hailed BRICS bank fund being halved within the same week of its creation.

It is also possible that someone with higher authority than the Greek populace has explained Tsipras and Varoufakis that they are treading in dangerous waters and have to change their course.

After the referendum it seems some invisible hand forced Varoufakis out of office. The same Varoufakis who vowed to resign in case of a “Yes” vote, surprised everyone as he promptly resigned after Greece overwhelmingly voted the opposite.
