US Senate passes bill to delist Chinese companies from exchanges

The US Senate passed legislation on Wednesday that could disqualify many Chinese companies from listing shares on US stock exchanges without adhering to the security laws and auditing regulations. The legislation, which was supported by lawmakers of both parties and was passed without objection, requires companies seeking access to US stock markets to establish that “they are not owned or controlled by a foreign government” Source South Chinese Morning Post

Dodik: If I could, I would never take Anything from the EU

Member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and SNSD party leader Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that Republika Srpska is capable and organized in combating the spread of coronaviruses, news portal reports.

“In a day when many people thought it was nothing, I had people around me who suggested that the school should be closed immediately. We immediately closed schools, shops, cafes and this proved to be crucial in suppressing the spread of the corona. viruses, “Dodik told RTRS. Source Sarajevo Times

Paris Molotov cocktails, burned cars, fireworks: second night of riot in Argenteuil

Rioters used Molotov cocktails and caused fire to start in the town of Argenteuil for the second consecutive night after the death of a youngster in a traffic accident on May 17. The police intervened again. Second night of urban violence in Argenteuil (Val d’Oise) on May 18: rioters again targeted the police with fireworks and jets of Molotov cocktails. This phenomenon of urban violence began the day before, after a traffic accident, when an 18-year-old young man, Sabri, was killed in a motocross accident on the night of May 16 to 17. Source RT

Turkish Newspaper: We Want Crete!

It has become a near daily occurrence that someone in Turkey, whether they be media, political or military, express their delusions of occupying a part of Greece – particularly Western Thrace, the Eastern Aegean Islands and/or Crete.

The last delusions, as reported by Greek City Times, came last week from Turkish state-owned Anadolu Agency and Turkish journalist Hacı Yakışıklı working for Yeni Akit, who think that a lawsuit by 100 NGO’s will make Greece lose their sovereignty over 18 Aegean islands, Crete and Western Thrace. Source Greek City Times