violent nighttime clashes between youth and law enforcement after the death of an 18-year-old man

There are many violent images circulating since last night on social networks and which are grouped under the #argenteuil . Scuffles broke out last night between dozens of young people and the police, in the Val-d’Argent Nord district, in Argenteuil. About thirty young people, mainly adolescents, participated in the gatherings. Le Parisien specifies that “fires were started on rue de la Berionne, and mortar fire launched in the direction of the police, present in large numbers in the neighborhood and supported by helicopter flying over the area, which were fired on by tear gas. The Berionne bus stop was set on fire. ” Source Jeanmarcmorandini

France wanted to help YPG to create a terror state in Syria, FM Çavuşoğlu says

Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu on Friday accused France of attempting to help the YPG to form a terror state in northern Syria. “France wanted to help YPG elements to carve out a terror state in northern Syria. But after our Operation Peace Spring, their plans have collapsed,” Çavuşoğlu said during a live broadcast, referring to the Syrian wing of the PKK terrorist group. Source Daily Sabah

Turkey Steps Up East Med Claims, Energy Drilling, Wants Greek Islands

He told the state news agency Anadolu that Turkey won’t back down from its plans to start drilling in July with the European Union reluctant to confront Erdogan, fearful he will send more refugees and migrants to the bloc, mainly through Greek islands. Anadolu Agency said that dozens of nongovernmental organizations plan to take up a claim with the International Court of Justice in The Hague that 12 of Greece’s eastern Aegean islands, areas of Crete, Western Thrace, Mosul and Kirkuk in Iraq, and the Crimea, legally belong to Turkey. Source The National Herald