Greece warns Berlin submarine sale to Turkey will shift power balance

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Nikos Dendias has expressed disappointment over Germany’s sale of submarines to Turkey, a move he says will change the balances in the Aegean Sea in favour of Ankara.

Dendias held a meeting on Wednesday (16 June) in Athens with Nils Schmid, the Social Democrat (SPD) parliamentary group’s spokesperson for foreign affairs in the German parliament. Source Euractiv

NATO Warns it Will Consider a Military Response to Cyber-Attacks

In a communique issued by governments attending the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels yesterday, the military alliance revealed it had endorsed a Comprehensive Cyber Defence Policy, in which a decision will be taken to invoke Article 5 “on a case-by-case basis” following a cyber-attack. Under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, first signed in 1949, when any NATO ally is the victim of an armed attack, it will be considered an attack on all alliance members, who will theoretically take any actions necessary to defend that ally. Source Info Security