Russia will cut Ukraine off from gas after Nord Stream 2 complete, says Kiev’s president, bemoaning Western ‘support’ for pipeline

Russia has outmaneuvered Kiev by overcoming Western objections to its Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said, warning that Moscow could cut his country off from energy supplies once it is complete.
The politician made the claims in an interview with Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, published on Monday. He claimed that the pipeline, which will link Siberian gas fields to consumers in Western Europe by means of a conduit under the Baltic Sea, was a “trump card” for Moscow. Now, he claimed, the Kremlin has a “royal flush” because it was supported by leaders in countries like Germany and France. Source RT

Macron threatens to pull troops from Mali if ‘radical Islamism’ takes hold

President Emmanuel Macron warned in comments published Sunday that France will pull its troops out of Mali if it lurches towards radical Islamism following the second coup in nine months. France has around 5,100 troops in the region under its so-called Barkhane operation which spans five countries in the Sahel — Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. Source France24