Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Beauty and the Beast

DEI – the latest article of faith of the Western world – stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, does it not? On the face of it, yes. On second thoughts it translates into: Descent Entering Inferno. The 2024 Olympic Games that are being held in France have more for us in store than the macabre opening or the rainbow-refugee-ecology all-pervasive propaganda. The latest event that is reverberating in the internet and the media is a boxer fight during which a male-turned-female reported a victory over a female-remaining-female. The details are commonly known and repeated here and there, so we are not going to replicate them. Rather, we are going to call the reader’s attention to the rot that is incapacitating the Western civilization.

The clap-trap of “no nation, no religion, no possession” – as the lyrics of a notorious song say – has been enriched with the clap-trap of “no biological sex”. The idea may have begun with the feminist movement whose representatives cursed their fate of being born women and whose representatives wanted to emulate men in everything and anything. The very idea of women punching themselves like men sometimes do says it all. Then the sick idea that “you are not born a woman, you become one” emerged and was followed by the assault on the biological sex. Medical mutilations misleadingly referred to as sex or gender reassignment have been propagated and infused into the minds of millions of people ac acceptable and progressive. Liberasts and tolerasts of all hues chipped in their sick ideas of total liberalism and tolerance with the result being that one can now say that one is a man or a woman irrespective of the evidence of the senses (and the common sense) and – mind you! – change the sex as many times as he – she – it – pleases.

Modern re-enactment of Beauty and the Beast

If so, then why not set a man against a woman in a boxing fight and make everybody view the man as a woman? Don’t you dare voice your objection or else! Or else you’ll be called a bigot and – necessarily – far right! Such a fight is after all the new normal. Haven’t we been accustomed by the Hollywood in the hundreds of movies in which female characters can successfully physically cope with male characters and even beat men up? Are we not being accustomed to the idea of female soldiers who can and ought to kill the enemy just like their male counterparts? There are no differences between biological sexes as there are no differences between biological races, right? If your senses (and your common sense) tell you a different story, then consult your doctor because obviously you need a therapy.

And you know what? Those bellicose female feminists barely protest when they see a woman confronted with a man who goes by the name of a woman! No wonder, then. They have been caught in their own trap. Males and females do not really differ, and if in some cases they do, then of course only in the sense that women are better than men. If so, surely you expect a woman to be capable of physically standing up to a man and overwhelming him, don’t you? Your default Hollywood image of a slim woman (I suppose most of my readers will have watched “G.I. Jane” or a similar motion picture) doing it better than any man, the image that has been planted into your psyche along with the many texts that you have read and absorbed, along with the “wisdom” of the talking heads that you have let sink in in your mind while consuming the mass media confirm this conviction: a woman is as good as a man, both intellectually and physically.

If you’re still in doubt then recall the latest question of our times, which is: what is a woman? Educated people in the West have big trouble defining a woman. You will have known by now that a woman can have a penis, while a man can breast-feed a baby. Anything goes. The brains of the Western man and the Western woman have been confused to such an extent that even the female victims of this madness barely protest.

Do you know what is the worst part of the whole craziness? No, not the fact that the evil-doers behind it will progress with their DEI (sure, they will); no, not the fact that Westerners have either embraced this madness wholeheartedly or sheepishly fear to object; the worst part of it all is that the evil-doers (and their active and passive supporters) think that the rest of the globe will follow suit, and that the rest of the globe is envious of what the liberasts and tolerasts have managed to achieve and enforce, for the liberasts and tolerasts genuinely think they have advanced the humankind by an eon!

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