Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

The Last Supper was followed by the Way of the Cross

France, you, the eldest daughter of the Church; France, you, the self-loathing revolutionary evil spirit; you have just invoked what you pretend not to believe in; you have thrown down the gauntlet and you will have it taken up. Yes, you passionately believe in what you reject, in what you mock, or else you would not bother yourself with the rejection, with the mockery in the first place. One does not combat Santa Clause because one does not believe in his existence. One combats what one believes exists. The more passionate the combat is, the stronger the evidence it provides that the combatant is an ardent believer. France, you have made a statement. Now just wait and see.

The whole of the internet has been reverberating with the images from the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Viewers were disgusted enormously. The so-called drag queens and body-positive people (read: so obese as to be deformed) now performing something nobody knows what, now passing the torch, now exposing their ugly attire; an image of a beheaded Marie Antoinette compounded by a quasi-woman with a profuse beard; and then the “frosting” on the cake: a scene made up of transvestites mocking the Last Supper, mocking Jesus Christ and his apostles.

Make no bones about it. All this was done on purpose. Perhaps the organizers did not expect such a vehement reaction, but they certainly planned it for months and wanted to insult Christians and Christianity. Which is nothing new, nothing that really surprises us. The West is degenerate and has long renounced its identity. Instead, the Western elites have begun to worship nature (return to paganism) and people of colour along with individuals with abnormal sexual drives. That’s all there is to it. The Western civilization is in its final stadium, in its death throes. Nothing, let us say it again, nothing can revert the process. It’s a slippery slope downwards. The event we are talking about is in its satanic spirit neither the first one nor is it going to be the last one. Recall:

the opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympic Games;

the opening of the St Gottard Tunnel;

the latest (and a few previous) Eurovision Song Contest;

the Indian enchantress in Davos breathing pagan spirits straight into the heads of some of the top leaders of the West;

the acts of worship of Pachamama in the Vatican Gardens and in St Peter’s Basilica;

the toppling of monuments to historical figures across the whole of the West;

genuflecting to blacks especially in the United States, but also elsewhere after the death of the black criminal George Floyd (who was swiftly beatified and canonized, with no advocatus diaboli present in the process);

the myriads of no-go zones;

the many absurd sentences issued by the courts of law according to which rape victims received more severe punishment than rape perpetrators for calling the perpetrators names;

Transgender Day of Visibility (a national holiday in the United States, signed by a nominally Catholic president);

public worship practised by Muslims in European cities;

local and national authorities being vested in the hands of non-Europeans and non-Christians;

invocation of a Sikh deity at US republican election rallies;

mushrooming of the so-called temples or churches of Satan, especially in the United States;

the spread of witches and their practices;

total inactivity and passiveness of the Pope, who in the face of all and any of these and other blasphemies remains silent (complicit?);

organized importation of the Third World people to Europe and North America made possible by migration pacts and many non-government organizations…

The reader may prolong the list.

All these are signs of the West’s ineluctable agony. You say that West is still dominant in the world? You object to this diagnosis, saying the whole globe envies the West its affluence and its civic freedoms?

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper reenacted by sexual perverts with slinky movements.

Have you ever seen a dying bird due to disease? If you have, you will know what I mean. If you haven’t, read on. A dying bird spreads out its wings magnificently during the very last seconds of its life and raises its head. Watching, you get the impression that it is going to take wing, that it is going to leave the ground and fly away, and make a circle or two above. The illusion lasts but a few, maybe several seconds. Then you notice the bird’s wings shrinking, its head drooping and in the very last moment you can swear you can see the bird’s spirit – anima – soul leaving the body. The body drops flat and remains still, motionless, inactive with all its oh so attractive plumage that continues to grab your attention. If you wanted to, you could pick the lying body up and ruffle through the bird’s feathers. In so doing, you would still feel the bird’s warmth, the warmth of its body. And if you could – on the spot – dissect it, you would see all the internal organs as if in a frozen frame: they all look all right to the eye and yet they have stopped functioning. All the mechanisms of collaboration between the heart and the lungs, the intestines and the liver, the stomach and the spleen, the brain and the nerves – all this seems to be intact, resplendent, even awe-inspiring if you compare the body’s intricacies with those of any man-made device, and still, and yet, and despite this all this magnificent little wonder will move no more. This magnificent little wonder has just begun to decay – to putrefy – to decompose. Left on its own, in nature, this little wonder is going to become sustenance for relatively big, for relatively small, for relatively tiny, for relatively teeny-weeny and invisible organisms which will eat it away and transform and transubstantiate each part of the little corpse into energy or into new biological cells for other organism.

Such is also the fate of civilizations. Before they die, they still look resplendent, and they still can pull off a show or two. They can spread their wings for the last time and raise their head. Then, however, they curl to a smaller size, they implode, they stop functioning, they slowly lose their warmth and begin to feed other civilizations. Indeed, the West has already begun – willingly! – to nourish other civilizations. The West nourishes them verbatim by settling the representatives of the numerous peoples of the globe and by clothing and feeding them; the West is nourishing other civilizations by providing them with anti-Western ideology, by teaching them how to despise the West and view the white man as the cause of all evil, which includes but is not limited to, slavery, racism and the destruction of the environment, all in planetary magnitudes. The West is this dying bird, with other beasts already parasitizing on it or waiting impatiently for the feast.

We have asked the reader the question if he has watched a dying bird. Now we are going to ask the question if he has seen a bird that fell prey to predators, if he has seen a bird dying in excruciating pain and torment, being torn apart by beasts of prey because that’s what’s in store for the West. It is not going to die peacefully, in sleep, so to say. It is going to die – indeed already is dying – a painful death, being torn apart by the beaks, by the talons, by the claws, by the fangs of the many peoples that are either already in the West’s nest/home or are on their way to it. It is also going to die – indeed is dying – from its cancerous tissues, cancerous tissues that are metastasizing. All in all, the West’s is going to be a painful and humiliating death.

The performers who mocked the Last Supper in Paris visualized just the very first stage of the process that they all are doomed to undergo, to taste, to eat and drink – to the full. Since they selected the Last Supper to mock, we might assume they know at least in outline the whole Gospel story accompanying it. If they don’t, then let them read this piece. The Last Supper was followed by Gehenna: an excruciating psychological torment of a man knowing full well that he is going to die from pain and torture; knowing full well that there is no way out. Gehenna in turn is followed by total isolation and the beginning of psychological and physical torment, one element of which is that the victim has a crown of thorns placed on his head. Yes, non-Western predators – invaders – you name them – are going to mock the West as they are, in fact, already bold enough to do it at present. Scourges, mock trial, insults will all be dealt prior to the way of the cross that the West will be forced to go, with all attendant anguish, distress, duress; with all attendant abasement, slaps in the face, disesteem and odium; with all attendant disrespect, jeering, taunting, vilification. Then the end will come: the West will be nailed to the symbol of its civilization, to the millennia-old sign that has been spoken against, and then the West will give up its spirit…

…with this difference to the Gospel story that the West will not rise from the dead. Ever. 

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