Covid-19: Delivery and take-out from restaurants prohibited from 10 p.m. in Paris

The measure was announced by the Paris police headquarters on Thursday. The goal is to prevent gatherings and thus limit the spread of Covid-19. “The activities of delivery and take-away of all products prepared by restaurants and drinking establishments and floating establishments (barges)” will be prohibited between 10 pm and 6 am, announced the police headquarters. A new measure that will apply from Friday. Source Actu17

Illegal immigration into Europe continues #alwaysandeverywhere

We collected TikTok videos from 2019 and 2020. Thanks to Open Source Intelligence – OSINT – we gain an insight into the influx of Africans and Central Asians to Europe. During the 2015 immigration crisis, 1.2 million people applied for asylum in Europe. In 2017, the number of asylum applications decreased by 50%. The influx remains high and keeps increasing. In 2010, 185,000 asylum applications were registered, in 2019, this number reached 613,000. Covid-19 has only stopped registration: the influx continues.


Young North African males cross the Mediterranean by boat on their way to Europe. Moroccans regularly arrive on the Spanish beaches. It is unknown whether they are registered as refugees. The Italian Island of Lampedusa accommodates new arrivals from Tunisia and Libya. In order to relieve the island, large groups of Africans are regularly shipped to mainland Europe. NGOs – such as Spanish Open Arms – are also active in the Mediterranean. Not only do rubber dinghies but also pleasure yachts packed with people leave Turkey for the Greek islands and Italy.

As in 2015, so in 2020, thousands of young men will be making their way through Greece, Serbia and Bosnia to Western Europe. Remarkably, the Western media are silent about it. The Pakistanis or Afghans that we have encountered on social media travelled to Bosnia via Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.

Turkey buses immigrants to the Greek border to destabilise Europe. Iran takes interest in a large Islamic underclass in Europe. The Serbian authorities are directing the immigrants towards Bosnia. Serbs in Bosnia transport the Asians to Bihać, a Muslim town in Bosnia. In Bihać, which is close to the border with Croatia, the men are taken care of in big camps. The presence of large groups of Pakistanis and Afghans leads to mounting tension between the arrivals and the local population. It is estimated that between 30,000 and 50,000 Afghan and Pakistani men take up temporary residence on the Croatian border. If the number of people is large enough, they will eventually forcibly cross the border with Croatia. Some of the immigrants show little patience. Thousands of Muslim men make their way through mountains and forests into the Schengen Area. Europe’s external borders – except the frontier between Hungary and Serbia – are poorly guarded and Frontex is hardly present. Once in the Schengen Area, the immigrants continue unhindered to France, Germany or the Netherlands. Weiterlesen