The world should prepare for Mr. Trump as the next president of the USA

It is very hard to predict who in the end will be the next president of the USA. But the world should realize Donald Trump is a very serious established GOP candidate who has a very high chance of winning the 2016 elections. Especially outside the US this prospect is not taken seriously yet. Our conclusion is the opposite: one better be prepared for Donald Trump as the next president of the USA.

Many European and Asian analysts see Donald Trump as part of the USA media-show frenzy but hardly regard him as a serious contester for the US presidency. Mr. Trump is framed as an outsider who threatens the status quo, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to our analysis, Mr. Trump is the most established GOP candidate with support from all over the US political elite and media establishment.  He has full support from the GOP and media establishment. The McCain remark by Mr. Trump: “McCain is not a Hero” is supported by many veterans. Some GOP leaders will be sacrificed for the show, and some will despise Mr. Trump for his aggressive remarks, but cross the board he is admired and a well- respected GOP member and acknowledged by the US political elite across the political spectrum. He is not an outsider as he likes to frame himself.

The US media scrutinize Trump on some nonissues. The so-called critical media interviews were unconvincing; they were executed by journalists who were no match for him. It had nothing to do with serious politics. In fact, the US corporate media is launching Trump as the new GOP Brand. Trump is not Mrs. Palin who stunned Europe and Asia as the running mate for McCain during the 2008 elections. Mrs. Palin was despised by the media elite while Trump is being admired. Mrs. Palin is as simple minded as her supporters while Trump is far more clever than his audience, he knows that he is lying to them. He is a calculated businessman that plays with his victims, the ideal candidate for the US corporate establishment the ideal candidate for Wall Street.

Compare the media hype around Donald Trump with the 2012 maverick: Ron Paul. Ron Paul received zero media attention.  Weiterlesen