Italy’s Lockdown Drives Production Down 29.3% in March

Istat reports that Italian industrial production contracted by an eye-watering 28.4%% MoM in March (from -1.0% in February). The working day adjusted measure was down 29.3% YoY (-2.3% YoY in February). In both cases, they are the steepest declines since the current production series began in 1990. In a single month, industrial production has fallen more than over the entire 2008/2009 crisis. Source ING

Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France, UAE denounce Turkish activities in EastMed

The foreign ministers of Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and the United Arab Emirates denounced the “ongoing Turkish illegal activities” in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and its territorial waters, during a teleconference on Monday to discuss the latest developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as a number of regional crises that threaten peace and stability in this region. Source Ekathimerini

China official threatens worst-case scenario if Taiwan amends law

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Spokesman Ma Xiaoguang (馬曉光) warned Taiwan “not to underestimate the strong will and determination of China’s 1.4 billion people to maintain sovereignty and territory intact” at a media briefing on Saturday (May 9).

The proposed amendment, led by DPP lawmaker Tsai Yi-yu (蔡易餘), wants to delete “before national unification” along with several other phrases. These are said to be the product of a mutual misconception between the Chinese Communist Party and Taiwan’s Nationalist Party at the time it was implemented in 1992, one suggesting both sides will one day reunify. Source Taiwan News