China expands its 2 air force bases closest to Taiwan

Amid dramatically more frequent incursions by Chinese military planes into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ), China appears to be expanding its two airbases closest to Taiwan. Google Earth images of the two closest People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) bases in Fujian Province show evidence of massive expansions. The bases in question, Longtian Airbase and Huian Airbase, sit 170 kilometers and 190 km away, respectively, enabling Chinese aircraft to reach Taipei within seven minutes. Source Taiwan News

European Parliament strips Carles Puigdemont of immunity

The European Parliament voted on Tuesday in favor of lifting immunity from the former leader of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont. The lawmakers also waived immunity for Toni Comin, the former Catalan health minister, and former regional education minister Clara Ponsati. The trio fled to Belgium in October 2017 along with other Catalan separatists. They are wanted by Spain after holding an independence referendum that the Spanish government said was illegal. Source Deutsche Welle

Russia’s Excess Death Toll Approaches 400K

Russia recorded more than 55,000 excess deaths in January, data from the country’s official statistics agency (Rosstat) published Friday showed. Since the start of the pandemic until the end of January — the latest such data is available — Russia has now recorded 394,000 more deaths than in the previous period. That represents a 24% increase in fatality and one of the highest excess death tolls in the world, even after adjusting for population. Source Moscow Times