Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Sensational! Angela Merkel argues with Thilo Sarrazin!

Our reporter succeeded in recording in one of Munich’s ale houses a talk that was held between the “chancellor of the refugees” and the brave professor who will not let himself be pigeonholed by the establishment. We’re revealing some of the most interesting parts of the conversation.

Angela Merkel: If only we succeed educating and integrating the people who have arrived from Syria or other places and found sanctuary in our country, they will surely show us profound gratitude.1)Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze, RPOnline 2015-11-09.

Thilo Sarrazin: I’m of the opposite opinion. We have a problem with our education due precisely to Muslim immigrants. They are the only group in Germany that has difficulties mastering our language. They are making up most of the underclass and live on the taxpayer’s money while their children find it hard to comply with the requirements of our educational system.2)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 235.Some 70 or 80 percent of all the problems with migrants in terms of education, employment, redistribution of wealth and crime rates originate with this particular group.3)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 262.

Merkel: I can assure you, all these phenomena are of limited duration. I think if we were more flexible and give up on some of our more demanding requirements, we could employ a sufficient number of German teachers for the refugees. We need to find new solutions, resort to retired teachers and educators or just employ students instead.4)Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze, RPOnline 2015-11-09.

Sarrazin: Can we afford it? Germany is rich, but it is no longer among the world’s richest countries.5)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschaland schafft sich ab, p. 38.We can only distribute what has been manufactured. Before new generations finish our long educational process, older people retire, which lowers the German standard of living far below that in the United States, Switzerland or the Netherlands. The reduction of working hours that has been introduced within the last years has impoverished the nation, which was easy to foresee.6)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 42.

Merkel: It is one of the major social questions how to reconcile professional activity with having a family. To have a good life, we need to strike a good balance between working time and the time devoted to the family. The reduction of working hours was supposed to raise women employment. Besides, the role models of being a father or mother have changed.7)Zeit haben für Familie und Beruf, Die Bundeskanzlerin.As for the expenditure on migrants, we should not reduce the discourse to numbers (…), so much so that the expenditure (…) has also brought about an increase in the number of jobs and contributed to our economic growth.8)Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze, 2RPOnline 015-11-09.

Sarrazin: Contributed to our economic growth? Four times more Muslim migrants live on the unemployment benefit and Hartz IV as indigenous Germans. For each 100 Muslims who earn their living predominantly from a gainful employment there are 43,6 who live mainly on the dole and Hartz IV, which in the case of indigenous Germans amounts to 10,4. Those who are taken care of by the state pay no taxes or dues.9)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 63.

Merkel: Islam is a part of Germany beyond any doubt, hence Muslims have their rights.10)Was Merkle vor 16 Jahren sagte, stellt ihre ganze Flüchtlingspolitik in Frage, Huffpost 2016-03-06.Perhaps affluence itself will undergo a change, but in such a way that we will not perceive it as a sacrifice.11)

Sarrazin: I believe we are going to sacrifice everything if you continue to bring more migrants to our country. Germany’s future may resemble the fate of the tragic hero of “The Incredible Shrinking Man”directed by Jack Arnold. While the man steers a sailboat, a cloud envelops him. His wife emerges from below the deck as he is beginning to shrink imperceptibly and slowly till he becomes so teeny-weeny that he is lost to the world.12)Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 394.The same is happening to us, and so we need to make a choice. Either we want to preserve our heritage and social system, and then we need to re-install borders; or, conversely, we don’t want borders, then we are going to lose our heritage and social system.13)Es wird weiter Zuwanderung geben, The European 2017-04-09.

Merkel: If you want to ask me if the closure of the Balkan route has solved the problem, then I say a resounding no. True, before the EU-Turkey Agreement came into force, the closure had reduced the number of refugees arriving in Germany, but 45 000 stayed in Greece. This number calculated in proportion to the German population would amount to 360 000, i.e. twice as many as we had in the worst month of November. That’s why the borders must stay open.14)Vera Lengsfeld, Kanzlerin Größenwahn, 2016-10-07.

Sarrazin: Your policy towards refugees is based on the principle of a world without borders. This is but a utopia which is a threat to freedom.15)Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Ralph Bollmann, Rainer Hank, Hätte man auf mich gehört, gäbe es heute keine AfD, 2016-04-25.I want to emphasize it: stop this immigration. Each continent, each country in the world needs to solve its problems on its own. Foreign aid has failed miserably everywhere in the world. We must not stimulate those people into coming here with the allure of a caring sate.16)Es wird weiter Zuwanderung geben, The European 2017-04-09.

Merkel: I can only agree with the statement that we are able to solve our problems. The migrant crisis is a practical test not only for Germany but also for the whole of Europe, and Europe can and must solve it.17)

Sarrazin: You yourself have sparked off this crisis. Your refugee policy is the most terrible political blunder that a German chancellor has committed since World War Two.

Merkel: Looking for scapegoats is the easiest kind of hunting.18) I don’t care whether I am guilty of the refugee influx. They are here to stay.19)

Sarrazin: Germany is abolishing itself.

Merkel: I can promise that the Brandenburg Gate will outlive Germany a while.20)Die besten Zitate von Angela Merkel, RP Online.

Sarrazin: Pessimism has a high survival value: Swabians are thought to be depressive, but they manufacture most machines. Where pessimists rule, there the world enjoys more affluence and order than where the optimists are in power.21)Ralph Bollmann, Rainer Hank, Hätte man auf mich gehört, gäbe es heute keine AfD, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2016-04-25.I can see I cannot bring you over to my point of view, so let us at least have something to drink.

Merkel: With pleasure. I resemble a camel in a way. I have a certain storage capacity. But even so, I must refill from time to time.22)Ich habe gewisse kamelartige Fähigkeiten, Süddeutsche Zeitung 2013-05-02.

The talk is made up and is made up almost entirely from the quotations.

References   [ + ]

1, 4. Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze, RPOnline 2015-11-09.
2. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 235.
3. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 262.
5. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschaland schafft sich ab, p. 38.
6. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 42.
7. Zeit haben für Familie und Beruf, Die Bundeskanzlerin.
8. Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze, 2RPOnline 015-11-09.
9. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 63.
10. Was Merkle vor 16 Jahren sagte, stellt ihre ganze Flüchtlingspolitik in Frage, Huffpost 2016-03-06.
12. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, p. 394.
13, 16. Es wird weiter Zuwanderung geben, The European 2017-04-09.
14. Vera Lengsfeld, Kanzlerin Größenwahn, 2016-10-07.
15. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Ralph Bollmann, Rainer Hank, Hätte man auf mich gehört, gäbe es heute keine AfD, 2016-04-25.
20. Die besten Zitate von Angela Merkel, RP Online.
21. Ralph Bollmann, Rainer Hank, Hätte man auf mich gehört, gäbe es heute keine AfD, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2016-04-25.
22. Ich habe gewisse kamelartige Fähigkeiten, Süddeutsche Zeitung 2013-05-02.

One comment on “Sensational! Angela Merkel argues with Thilo Sarrazin!

  • The mistake Germany made was after the closure of WWII. The governments that followed decided that it was not in Germany’s interest to have a large population growth. It was decided that a family would consist of two children to a family. This idea was based on the supposition that Germany needed only a population of ethnic Germans to run the country, as for the people needed to work in the factories and do all the dirty work, it was decided to approach their old WWI ally, Turkey, to provide such a workforce. Their pay was low, but higher than their homeland, and they could return after 5 years to Turkey and make a business. A wonderful idea, but it never worked, the Turkish workers never went home, had 4 or 5 children, who were given German citizenship and so this practice has carried on. The result the ethnic German population is becoming an extinct population, resulting in ethnic Germans rising up against the policies of the Government, they have become fed up of the so-called EU, fed up of open borders, fed up of what they see as a slow islamitization of their country, fed up of thousands of refugees. It is happening all over Europe. Mrs Merkel has made a very big political boo boo.


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