Whichever party rules in Poland – just as is the case in the United States or United Kingdom – the government’s policy is pro-European. The differences – just like in the United States or United Kingdom – concern details. One of the those details is that the ruling PiS (Law and Order) Party as opposed to the PO (Civic Platform), now acting as an opposition, is traditionalist in moral issues. Poland’s present authorities – the president, the parliament and the resultant government – were elected by the nation’s majority. It so happens that the minority of the the voters – supporters of the Civic Platform – make up the majority of the largest city residents and so in the municipal elections their vote puts in office PO politicians who want to ingratiate themselves with the EU commissioners as much as possible: they pursue policies that are pleasing to Brussels and do anything to spite the government or the president.
And so, almost two years ago the mayors of several Polish cities drafted and signed a declaration in favour of accepting immigrants from the Third World1)Deklaracja 12 prezydentów dużych polskich miast: Migrację trzeba wspierać, Polityka 2017-06-30. just about the time when the government did all in its powers not to gave in to the EU’s pressure in this respect. Just who instigated the city mayors to take that step – especially so as they all knew that the majority of Poles was against it – remains a secret.
Recently the newly-elected Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski /RAH-fow TSHAHS-kawv-sky/, issued the Warsaw Declaration of the Municipal Policy Towards LGTB+ Community. In its preamble we read that in an almost two-million large city there maybe as many as two hundred thousand members of the said community who need to be protected against – wouldn’t you know it – hate speech directed against them by “prominent government politicians” and “fascist groups”. The document envisages
(i) re-creation of a sanctuary for LGTB+ individuals who feel discriminated against;
(ii) monitoring of acts of hate and violence against the said sexual group;
(iii) introduction of the education on sexual identification in each school in accordance with the WHO guidelines;
(iv) empowerment of LGTB+ employees and LGTB+(-friendly) entrepreneurs.2)Deklaracja Warszawska, Polityka Miejska Na Rzecz Społeczności LGBT+, Prezydent Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy. The document can also be downloaded from the City of Warsaw website.
It is those WHO/UNESCO guidelines – which include explanation and play down of masturbation to 9 year olds (p. 71) among other things3)International technical guidance on sexuality education, An evidence-informed approach, World Health Organization. – that made the Varsovian parents’ hair stand on end and so they are planning on marching in protest on 18th of March.4)Warszawski Protest Rodziców, naszemiasto.pl.
The homosexual ideology is slowly taking a grip on Eastern European nations. Its proponents are carefully selected people who – once firmly ensconced in a position of power – begin to apply the new creed step by step. In 2004 two Polish Nobel prize winners – Czesław Miłosz and Wisława Szymborska – publicly stood up for the Cracow gej&les Festival;5)Polscy nobliści popierają festiwal gej&les, queer.pl 2004-04-30. is it a coincidence that Rafał Trzaskowski, Warsaw’s mayor incumbent, was awarded the Legion of Honour for his contribution to the french-polish relationships last year?6)Rafał Trzaskowski i Włodzimierz Puzyna odznaczeni Legią Honorową, dziennik.pl 2017-05-11.
1. | ↑ | Deklaracja 12 prezydentów dużych polskich miast: Migrację trzeba wspierać, Polityka 2017-06-30. |
2. | ↑ | Deklaracja Warszawska, Polityka Miejska Na Rzecz Społeczności LGBT+, Prezydent Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy. The document can also be downloaded from the City of Warsaw website. |
3. | ↑ | International technical guidance on sexuality education, An evidence-informed approach, World Health Organization. |
4. | ↑ | Warszawski Protest Rodziców, naszemiasto.pl. |
5. | ↑ | Polscy nobliści popierają festiwal gej&les, queer.pl 2004-04-30. |
6. | ↑ | Rafał Trzaskowski i Włodzimierz Puzyna odznaczeni Legią Honorową, dziennik.pl 2017-05-11. |