Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Germany mass-immigration: Reul affirms “zero tolerance” after aggression against the police

A simple arrest turned into a big deal in Duisburg: residents pressed the police, around 200 people gathered. Journalists are also disturbed at work. Interior Minister Reul, on the other hand, emphasizes his zero tolerance strategy.

On Tuesday, police in Marxloh were harassed by local residents when they tried to arrest an 18-year-old wanted by warrant. At the same time, about 200 people had gathered on the street in front of the house where the arrest was made. With the support of numerous forces and the threat of pepper spray, the arrested man was brought to the patrol car. On the way, officers insulted and spat in their direction. According to the police, an indefinite number of people were “clan-related”. Two men were detained trying to get past the barrier. There had been a similar incident two days earlier with about 30 people. Aachener Zeitung

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