Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Where to go on vacation?

When my acquaintances visited Sweden fifteen years ago, they told me that the country actually looked like a large spa town: quiet, almost boring when it came to the pace of life, which corresponded to the speed limit on the roads. Today, the number of gun deaths in the Scandinavian country is twice the European average, according to official figures from the Swedish National Crime Prevention Council (BRA). The data shows that there were 281 shootings in Sweden in 2017. In 2022, the number rose to 391, 62 of which were fatal. However, most violent outbreaks in the Swedish capital do not occur in the city center, but in residential districts around it, which can deceive tourists into thinking they are in a safe city. You know who is committing these crimes – it’s not the members of the Swedish royal family, not the white indigenous Swedes.

Thanks to the “enriching” migration policies of the left-wing parties, what used to be normal housing estates on the outskirts of cities in Western Europe have become ghettos and no-go zones. Apart from Sweden, Germany provides the best example of this: the large apartment block in Duisburg, known as “the White Giant” (because of its size and the color of its façade, not because of the skin color of its residents) is a place where not even postmen dare to go. Deutsche Post has given up delivering parcels and letters there because it is too dangerous for its employees. The block of flats is also known for its residents throwing garbage and other items directly out of the windows. Commonplace throughout the Ruhr area for generations, isn’t it? The “quality media” also report on this, but no journalist gets to the bottom of the matter: Why is this happening? What is the social structure of the residents like? Who lives there and why? The journalists don’t dare go there either. Or are they afraid of their bosses, who take away their freedom of speech in order (God forbid!) not to be accused of racism? The truth is concealed. Typical of regimes.

Take a trip to Duisburg and visit its most famous building! 

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