The Netherlands: ‘Teacher goes into hiding because of threat after showing cartoon’

The teacher at the Emmaus College in Rotterdam, who is threatened for showing a cartoon in class, has gone into hiding. NRC reports that .

On Monday, like many other schools , the murdered French teacher Samuel Paty was commemorated. Paty was beheaded last month by an extremist Muslim for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in one of his classes in a lesson on freedom of speech. Source NOS

Police chief warns gang violence is a threat to Sweden’s democracy

Sweden’s democracy could be threatened if the country fails to get a grip on gang violence and allows parallel societies to develop in its inner-city areas, the head of Sweden’s police force has warned.

Anders Thornberg told the Financial Times that Sweden faced a growing threat as incidents of shootings and bombings between rival gangs rise and family-based clans tighten their grip over some areas. Source Financial Times

Mali air strikes kill dozens of jihadists linked to al Qaeda, French govt says

The French government said Monday its forces had killed more than 50 jihadists aligned to Al-Qaeda in air strikes in central Mali. The offensive took place on Friday in an area near the borders of Burkina Faso and Niger, where government troops are struggling to rout an Islamic insurgency, French Defence Minister Florence Parly said after meeting members of Mali’s transitional government. Source France24

Marseille: The police want to control a car, a passenger points them with a Kalashnikov

The suspicious attitude of the three men in the vehicle caught their attention. They decided to check the vehicle and turned around. As they approached the vehicle, the rear passenger opened the window and pointed a Kalashnikov-type rifle at the officials. He didn’t open fire.

A chase began with maximum caution on the part of the police, who immediately asked for reinforcement. The fugitive then entered the motorway in the direction of Marignane, at full speed. The police lost track of the vehicle. Source Actu17

Train terror by asylum seekers on the Vechtdallijn (The Netherlands ): spitting, threatening, name-calling and physical violence

Spitting, threatening, verbal abuse and physical violence … Since this summer it has been raining incidents on the Vechtdallijn between Zwolle and Emmen. Train stewards experience it every day and are – er – sick of it. “It’s just not fun anymore.” The finger points to a group of so-called safe landers from the Ter Apel refugee center. Source De Stentor

Up to 50 young people riot in Vienna’s church: they shouted “Allahu akbar”

20 young people of Turkish origin met on Thursday evening at Reumannplatz. According to information from the “Krone”, they shouted “Allahu akbar” and, armed with pyrotechnics, headed for Viktor-Adler-Markt. Two hours later, almost 50 young people – probably the same as on Reumannplatz – entered the church on Antonsplatz, where there was another tumult. They went into the baptismal font and the confessionals. Source Krone Zeitung