Egypt prepares for second Friday of rage

Whistleblower Mohamed Ali, backed by Egyptians, is calling for a second Friday of rage in continuation of the protests that have taken place in the country for almost two weeks.

Ali called on Egyptians to unite against General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi on the anniversary of the 20 September protests against soaring prices and widespread house demolitions, which are taking place under the pretext that they have been constructed illegally. Source Memo

Egypt executes 13 dissidents tied to Muslim Brotherhood, detains reporter for protest coverage

Egyptian authorities executed 13 people who allegedly had close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood group, opposition-backed media reported Sunday.

Known for its links to the organization, Watan TV channel said on Facebook that officials carried out the death sentences of the imprisoned political dissidents, while state-run Akhbar al-Yawm newspaper claimed four people were executed. Source Daily Sabah