Turkey threatens Greece with war: “We will solve our issues on the battlefield”

In particular, a spokesperson for Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) accused US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of unilateralism and said his attitude is inelegant.

Ömer Çelik, the AKP spokesperson, even called on Pompeo to maintain a neutral stance because unilateral visits and statements give the wrong messages.

At the same time, he once again made provocative statements regarding Ankara’s intentions in Greek-Turkish issues in the East Mediterranean. Source Greek Reporter

Amnesty International halts operations in India

Amnesty International suspended human rights work in India after an Indian government investigative arm froze the organization’s bank accounts, according to a statement released Tuesday.

“This is an egregious and shameful act by the Indian government, which forces us to cease the crucial human rights work of Amnesty International India for now,” Julie Verhaar, the acting secretary-general of Amnesty, said in a statement, adding that the organization was working “resolutely” to determine how it can continue human rights work in India. Source Deutsche Welle