#Turkish F-16s harass the helicopter carrying the Greek MoD & Chief of National Defence General Staff

The Minister of National Defense and the Chief of General Staff visit outposts in the area of ​​responsibility of 96 ADTE
Incredible challenge again from the Turks! A pair of Turkish fighter jets intervened in the harassment of the helicopter carrying the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, and the Chief of General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros. Source CretaLive News

France: Non-compliance with the curfew: night of confrontation between young people and police in Compiègne

On social networks, many residents were worried for a good part of Thursday evening about the clashes between police and young people in the Clos-des-Roses district.

While the officials had planned a control operation to enforce the curfew , which was set up from 10 pm to 5 am due to the health crisis, they had to face a group of “100 to 150 people”. Souce LeParisien