Italy’s Five Star Movement on the brink of collapse

The Five Star Movement (M5S) – the populist party that won 11 million votes in Italy’s 2018 general election – is on the brink of collapse.

According to one rightwing MP, speaking on condition of anonymity, “the M5S will probably implode, it will end up like the Soviet Union. Some of them will knock on my party’s doors, others will become a satellite of the [centre-left] Democratic Party”. Source The Observer

Spain’s Catalonia region reimposes Covid-19 restrictions as cases spike

Spain’s Catalonia region said on Tuesday it will reimpose virus restrictions such as curbs on nightlife to try to tame a surge in infections, especially among unvaccinated young people. Nightclubs will be closed as of this weekend and a negative Covid-19 test or proof of vaccination will be needed to take part in outdoor activities involving more than 500 people, said a spokeswoman for the regional government. Source France24

Shampanskoye: French champagne industry in a fizz over Russian law

If anything is guaranteed to get French wine producers in a fizz, it is the suggestion that champagne can be made anywhere outside the Champagne region in France. But in a provocative move on Friday, Vladimir Putin signed legislation requiring all non-Russian producers to mark their products in Russia as “sparkling wine” on the back of every bottle, including some of the world’s most famous and expensive bubbly. Source The Guardian