U.S. sees fewest bankruptcies since 1986

U.S. bankruptcy filings hit their lowest level since 1986 last year thanks to unprecedented fiscal and monetary support from the Fed and Congress.

By the numbers: Total bankruptcy filings for the year fell to 529,068 filings across all chapters, while total filings in the month of December was 34,304, the lowest monthly total since January 2006, according to a release from legal services company Epiq AACER. The number of total 2020 filings was about 1/3 of the number seen in 2010. Source Axios

South Korean forces arrive in waters near strait of Hormuz amid Iran tensions

South Korean forces have arrived in waters near the strait of Hormuz as pressure builds on Iran to free a South Korean tanker it seized along with its crew on Monday.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said they had taken control of the South Korean vessel, the Hankuk Chemi, and its 20 crew because it was “polluting the Persian Gulf with chemicals”. The tanker is being held at Iran’s Bandar Abbas port city. Source The Guardian

Xi Jinping orders Chinese military to scale up combat readiness to ‘act at any second’

BEIJING: Chinese president Xi Jinping on Monday ordered his country’s army to be ready to ‘act at any second’, stressing on ‘full-time combat readiness’. He urged the armed forces to enhance training in real combat conditions to ensure readiness at all times, reportedXinhua. “People’s Liberation Army (PLA) must be ready to ‘act at any second’ and should remain on ‘full-time combat readiness’,” Xi stressed while adding, “Frontline frictions must be used to polish troop capabilities and training exercises need to incorporate technology.” Source Times of India