At the Paris Opera, classic works like “Le Lac des Cygnes” or “The Nutcracker” will disappear to make room for “minorities”

” Certain works will undoubtedly disappear from the repertoire “, explains Alexander Neef, the new director of the Paris Opera, in the columns of the newspaper, which quotes in particular La Bayadère, Le Lac des cygnes, Casse-Noisette. “ But that won’t be enough. Deleting is useless if we do not learn the lessons of history, ”he still judges. ” To achieve a major renovation, so that in ten years, minorities are better represented at the Opera, a real reflection was needed ,” said the new boss of the Paris Opera, who entrusted this reflection ” to external personalities for the sake of increased objectivity, greater freedom of speech. ” Source Valeurs

Eventual govt crisis ‘not in my hands’ – Conte

Premier Giuseppe Conte said Thursday that it is not up to him whether there is a government crisis and reiterated that he will only stay on if he has he support of all the parties in his coalition.
There has been major tension in recent weeks between Conte and one of the parties in the coalition, ex-premier Matte Renzi’s Italia Viva (IV) party, over plans to set up a task force to oversee the use of the money Italy will get fro the EU Recovery Fund. Source Ansa

Germany Rejects Greece’s Demand for a Ban on Weapon Sales to Turkey

The German foreign minister on Monday expressed his country’s opposition to Greece’s demand to impose an arms embargo on Turkey.

Speaking to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Heiko Maas said: “I do not find the demand of an arms embargo against Turkey strategically correct. It is not easy to do this against a NATO partner. We saw that NATO ally Turkey easily bought missiles from Russia because it could not buy from the U.S.” Source Greek Reporter