Austria drops ‘political Islam’ from controversial bill

Austria’s coalition government on Wednesday revised its controversial “anti-terror” law, using the phrase “religiously motivated extremism” instead of “political Islam.”

Following a cabinet meeting, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, Justice Minister Alma Zadic and Integration Minister Susanne Raab announced a package of counter-terrorism measures a month after the country’s capital was hit by a terror attack. Source Daily Sabah

Anger in the police: around fifty police officers submit a resignation request in the Loire

The crisis in the ranks of the national police continues following statements by the Head of State . About fifty police officers from the Loire have decided to draw up a request for conventional termination, with a view to resigning. “We are stigmatized all the time , ” pointed out Sylvia Vaudou, departmental secretary of the Alliance Police Nationale union, to France Bleu . Source Actu17