Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Can it really be? The patron saint of the European Union was a downright racist

German Chancellor Merkel as many others received two prestigious prizes that are connected with Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his outright insane ideas that are full of racist views. No newspaper, news program or mainstream website bothers to explain the ideas of this “great” modern thinker. We want to fill the gap and provide our readers with information about Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s.

There are two prestigious prizes that have currency in the European Union: the Charlemagne Prize and the European Prize. The former is awarded annually by the German City of Aachen, whereas the latter every other year by the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi (formerly known as the Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation), established in 1978 “by the Pan-Europa Union – six years after the death of this great European thinker”.1)European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

The year 2008. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, later to be known by its cosy name Mutti Merkel receives the Charlemagne Prize, regarded as the highest EU distinction. She is preceded by Alcide de Gasperi (Prime Minister of Italy), Konrad Adenauer (German Chancellor), Winston Churchill (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom), Robert Schuman (Prime Minister of France), the European Commission(!), Juan Carlos (King of Spain), Vaclav Havel (President of Czechia), Tony Blair (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom), Bill Clinton (US President), the Euro(!), Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), and followed by Herman Van Rompuy (President of the European Council) and Pope Francis to name just a few.

The year 2010. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Mutti Merkel) receives the European Prize. The other recipients include Helmut Kohl (German Chancellor), Ronald Reagan (US President), Otto von Habsburg (President of the Pan-European Union), Ibrahim Rugova (President of Kosovo), Herman Van Rompuy (President of the European Council) and Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission).

None of the honorable recipients would describe themselves as racists; none would publicly state that there are certain categories of nations or races that excel more than others and as such deserve to be treated preferentially; all of them would style themselves as democrats, advocates of a classless, non-exlusive society of equal individuals.

Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was the very first recipient of the Charlemagne Prize and gave his name to the European Society that awards the European Prize mentioned above. If the count’s name is associated with the two prizes, surely his ideas must be pleasing to both the awarding committees and the many recipients. So, what were his views that made him so popular among people, organisations and institutions which work towards a European unity? To find out we only need to read his own works, especially Der Adel (1922) and Praktischer Idealismus (1925), which is an extension of the former.

The contents of those highly speculative books must have sprung out of a prolifically imaginative mind. The author, taking a great interest in social engineering, differences between human races and the beneficial aspects of eugenics, impresses the reader with such far-fetched conclusions as equalizing Bolshevism with Christianity or imparts his admiration for Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) and Ferdinand Lassalle. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s views can be summarized as follows:

  1. Europe must be united through the liquidation of national and customs borders and through racial miscegenation;
  2. the united continent will be ruled by a new, spiritual as he puts it, aristocracy with Jews as its core because Jews due to their long historical martyrdom and discrimination are biologically positively selected and predestined to lead, teach, and, in a word, be Europe’s (and the world’s) leader race (Führerrasse Europas).2)The quotations are taken from the appended PDF texts.

Why should that be so? Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (not a psychologist himself) elaborated on the psychic characteristics of people who inbreed and those who interbreed and came to the conclusion that (especially interracial) crosses make citizens appropriate for the future ideal society. Yet, Jews, Europe’s future aristocracy, are an inbred type of mankind (Inzuchtmenschen) and in their case, strangely enough, inbreeding rather than interbreeding has played to their advantage transforming them into natural leaders.

Second, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi believes that Judaism is humanity’s blessing evolving through Christianity to Socialism (with Bolshevism as a decisive stage – entscheidende Etappe) whose mainly Jewish activists are aiming at taking away the original sin of capitalism which also is a product of Judaism. The world’s, let alone Europe’s, salvation will come through Jews as a spiritual aristocracy (Geistesadel) who will recruit more worthy individuals from the European aristocracy of blood (Blutadel) to create out of these two high quality races (Qualitätrassen) an international, synthetic aristocracy to lead humanity which needs aristocracy. After all almost all great personalities including Saint Augustine, Rousseau, Kant and Tolstoy were Jews by choice (Wahljuden) since all that is ethical and moral stems from Judaism.

As if to pre-empt a possible discontent against such a vision of the future, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi posits that antisemitism (a phenomenon only waiting to occur under the circumstances described by him) is a reaction of mediocrity to excellence (Reaktionserscheinung des Mittelmäßigen gegen das Hervorragende).

It would be impolite if not insolent to think that Angela Merkel and company do not know what Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s ideas were. Surely, neither she nor other recipients of the two prizes mentioned above would accept an award from any of Europe’s patriotic organizations, would they? They know precisely what they receive and in the name of which ideology.

Der Adel PDF
Praktischer Idealismus PDF

References   [ + ]

1. European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
2. The quotations are taken from the appended PDF texts.

6 comments on “Can it really be? The patron saint of the European Union was a downright racist

    • Sure, the problem is me, not people who are resorting to ideas that destroyed Europe a few decades ago, creating the culture of guilt that is finishing the job now.
      The only talking point the Left has is that anyone who opposes immigration is a Nazi. Articles like this and people like you prove them correct. How stupid do you have to be to prove right perpetual liars? Congratulations. Europe is going to be invaded because the only opposition was demented enough that they wouldn’t let bad ideas go. I guess we are truly done.

      • Jerome I’ve just skimmed through an English translation of Praktischer Idealismus.

        I have to say that the author’s views on Kalergi, on the basis of Kalergi’s own words, do appear to be largely accurate. From his own writing, Kalergi’s thoughts appear to be those of a raving, racist lunatic who is obsessed by race, (inter and in)breeding and the Jewish culture.

        Whether or not those persons who accepted the European Prize knew of its foundations, its connection to Kalergi and Kalergi’s works; well that is another question that is open to speculation. My guess would be that most did not, or that the connection was not so important to many of them until very recently – but this is nothing more than pure speculation on my part.

        Nonetheless it would be wise for those promoting the European Prize to distance themselves from this raving, racist lunatic. If Kalergi was alive today and published such nonsense he would almost certainly be banned from all social media – he might even be imprisoned for expousing such views.

        • ” If Kalergi was alive today and published such nonsense he would almost certainly be banned from all social media” His class of people do not participate in “social media” but social engineering. He is one of many Jewish elites and they all hold these views ans predicated by the Talmud itself

      • Jew Truther says:

        Trojan horse jews have been poisoning Europe for the last 2,000 years. You can’t fool us. Mixed with slaves they bought.


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