‘Turkey will not compromise on rights in E.Med’

The Turkish defense minister said on Monday that “sacrificing our rights in the Eastern Mediterranean is out of question”.

“We have rights, concerns, and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. Some countries are making counter moves and taking actions against them. We follow them with great patience,” Hulusi Akar said following the Distinguished Observer Day activities of the Mediterranean Storm — a five-day military exercise. Source Anadolu Agency

U.S. budget deficit hits all-time high of $3 trillion

The U.S. budget deficit hit an all-time high of $3 trillion for the first 11 months of this budget year, the Treasury Department said Friday.

The deficit from October through August is more than double the previous 11-month record of $1.37 billion set in 2009. At that time the government was spending large sums to get out of the Great Recession triggered by the 2008 financial crisis. Source CBS

iden brands Trump a ‘CLIMATE ARSONIST,’ claims he’ll have America ‘ablaze’ and ‘underwater’

“If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if we have more of America ablaze? If you give a climate denier four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised when more of America is underwater?”

UK: Grooming gang review kept secret as Home Office claims releasing findings ‘not in public interest’

The government is refusing to release official research on the characteristics of grooming gangs, claiming it is not in the “public interest”.

It comes after The Independent revealed that almost 19,000 suspected child sexual exploitation victims were identified by local authorities in just one year, sparking renewed calls for prevention efforts. Source The Independent