Sweden: activists burn copy of Quran, plan more stunts

Members of a Danish far-right group burned a copy of the Quran in Sweden, only days after a similar incident in the southern city of Malmo.

A video posted by the leader of the Stram Kurs (Hard Line) group showed a man burning the Muslim holy book in the Rinkeby neighbourhood.

“Today, Stram Kurs, burned the Quran in Swedish sh*t hole ghetto Rinkenby,” Rasmus Paludan wrote on Facebook. Source Al Jazeera

CBO projects highest rate of US debt-to-GDP since 1945

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects a $3.3 trillion budget deficit this year. That is to say, the federal government is spending almost double what it will collect in taxes. As a result, the CBO estimates that national debt will consume 98% of GDP, or nearly the total yearly output of the United States’ economy. This would make debt the largest share of GDP since 1945, following the massive spending of World War II. Suorce Main Wire

Turkish, German defense chiefs discuss E.Med

Turkey’s defense chief Hulusi Akar and his German counterpart Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer talked over the phone Wednesday about recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, an official statement said.

According to the statement by the Turkish National Defense Ministry, Akar and Kramp-Karrenbauer exchanged views on bilateral defense and security relations, as well as regional issues, particularly the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. Source Anadolu Agency