Germany agrees a fresh $146 billion stimulus plan to fight the economic impact of coronavirus, days after the EU’s record-breaking proposal


  • Germany launched a fresh $146 billion stimulus to help the economy navigate through coronavirus.
  • As part of the plan, VAT will be slashed from 19% to 16% for six months as of July 1.
  • The rescue plan also includes a $56 billion fund for climate change innovation and digitization in the German economy.
  • The plan was expected to be worth a maximum of $112 billion.
  • The EU published its own plans for an $826 billion continent-wide coronavirus rescue package last week. Source Business Insider


German police raid hate-speech suspects in politician’s murder case

Police have raided 40 hate-speech suspects across 12 German states as probes continue into the murder of pro-refugee politician Walter Lübcke. Internet posts were made before and after he was shot dead in June last year. Frankfurt-based federal prosecutors liaising with investigators in 12 of Germany’s 16 regional states staged raids Thursday on 40 suspects accused of posting “criminally relevant comments” about Walter Lübcke.  Source Deutsche Welle