Turkey Warns Military Force to Protect Drillships off Cyprus

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu fired a shot across the bow of anyone who would try to stop his country’s drillships from operating in Cypriot waters, indicating military force would be used. Cavusoglu told the pro-government A Haber news channel that Turkey “has the right to prevent” any unauthorized drilling in waters that it says fall within its own continental shelf. Asked specifically if Turkey could use military means to stop such drilling, Cavusoglu said “of course.” Source The National Herald

Italy Sends Warship to Protect Italian Energy Ship off Cyprus

With Turkey having drillships hunt for oil and gas in Cypriot waters in defiance of international law, the Italian Navy has sent a frigate near where the Italian energy company Eni – which had been scared off previously by a Turkish warship – is operating.

The frigate Federico Martinengo made a stop in the port of Larnaca in what the Italian government said was part of a patrol operation and in the protection of national interests without specifying its duties. Source The National Herald

Two assaults of firemen per week on average in Bas-Rhin

“It’s getting more and more disturbing.” Colonel Patrice Gerber, deputy departmental director of the fire and rescue service of Bas-Rhin, describes as “strictly unacceptable” the multiplication of attacks against firefighters everywhere in France. According to him, and while four senators published a report on the subject on Wednesday, December 11, there are on average two attacks per week in the Bas-Rhin. Source France Blue