Turkish foreign ministry says Cyprus should not have an EEZ

The Greek islands and the western part of Cyprus should not be given a continental shelf /exclusive economic zones (EEZ) but only territorial waters, according to sources within the Turkish foreign ministry, reports said on Tuesday. According to Anadolu news agency, sources within the Turkish foreign ministry argued that based on international law, the main term to be used in such cases is the equitable principle and not the principle of equidistance. Source Cyprus-mail

Trump cancels final NATO press conference after tense and troubled summit

US President Donald Trump has abruptly cancelled his final press conference at the NATO summit in London, following two days plagued by internal stresses and tensions between bloc members. Trump tweeted that when his Wednesday meetings are over, he will head back to Washington and won’t do a planned press conference at the close of the summit, saying he had already done “so many over the past two days.” Source RT

Trump slams Trudeau as ‘two-faced’ over video apparently mocking him

US President Donald Trump slammed Justin Trudeau as “two-faced” after a video emerged showing the Canadian Prime Minister and other world leaders apparently mocking him. Trudeau, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Boris Johnson were caught on camera in a conversation joking about US President Donald Trump during a NATO reception at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday evening. The Euronews