China chugs Saudi oil, drawing MBS into its orbit

China has upped its imports of Saudi oil significantly, part of a bid to draw Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman into its orbit amid an ongoing trade war with the United States.

Beijing’s crude oil imports rose to nearly 2 million barrels per day (bpd) in October, up 24 million bpd or 76.3% compared to the previous month, Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat reported, citing China’s General Administration of Customs. Source Asian Times

Paris Seine-Saint-Denis: Staff publish a letter after the murder of two students in two months

“Two deaths in two months, what does the state do?” In shock after the murder of two students, a hundred parents and teachers gathered in the evening of Wednesday, November 28, in front of the high school of Alembert Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis). “These two deaths are only the most dramatic side of the daily violence that our students experience,” said a representative of the staff, on the forecourt of this high school. Source FranceInfo