Refugee influx helps halt decline in Germany’s population

Nation’s population is growing again although longer-term trends still point to a decline – and the need for continued high levels of immigration. Germany’s population is no longer shrinking. Four consecutive years of increasingly high net migration have outpaced the country’s birth deficit, taking the country’s population to nearly 82 million people – a level last seen in 2009. Source The Guardian

Stockholm hospitals to cut hundreds of jobs amid growing budget deficit

Two Stockholm hospitals on Monday announced plans to cut hundreds of jobs, just a few weeks after another major hospital warned it was laying off 600 medical staff. Danderyd Hospital warned in a statement that it would be laying off around 100 staff as part of a drive to plug an estimated budget deficit of 156 million kronor ($16.22 million) this year. The hospital plans to eventually cut around 250 jobs in total. Source The Local

Slumping vehicle sales hit employment in Japan’s auto sector

Slumping vehicle sales are starting to take a toll on the employment situation in the automotive industry. Since Nov. 8, Mazda Motor Corp. has stopped soliciting new workers on fixed-term contracts at its head office plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, which mainly manufacture finished vehicles, and the Hofu plant in neighboring Yamaguchi. Honda Motor Co. has also suspended recruitment of workers on similar terms at its Yorii plant in Saitama, which produces SUVs and sedans. Source Japan Times

Greta Thunberg, a teenager berating prime ministers and presidents

Greta Thunberg, a teenager berating prime ministers and presidents over the lack of appropriate conservation of the environment, Pacha Mama, an Inca goddess in the Vatican and the Pope prioritizing the ecological sin as the gravest crime, or the Ecuadorian constitution and Bolivian legislation confers on Mother Earth with legal rights: the world is watching the unfolding events with bated breath. What is happening? Is humanity entering a new era? Is environmentalism to be viewed as a new, universal religion or a mere smokescreen that masks other objectives? The planet Earth as the human habitat can serve as the only imaginable uniting common denominator for all humankind, paving the way for a world government, or the feared the new world order. The agreements and protocols constraining and progressively eliminating the use of fossil fuels signed in Montreal, Kyoto, Paris and other places act jointly like a harness imposed on the whole planet. It is for the first time in the history of mankind that the environment rather than national, social or religious matters seem to be taking the centre stage of global politics and economy. Are we facing a Copernican revolution in the making? The November issue of Gefira takes a deeper look at this nascent phenomenon.
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Gefira Financial Bulletin #38 is available now

  • The European inability to govern has dire consequences
  • The New CO2 Order of the Crypto Elites – Dark Visions of the Future
  • Pacha Mama or Green ideology