France Beziers: college, gymnasium and school burned, mortar fire on police and firefighters

The urban violence of exceptional gravity shook the city of Devèze in Beziers, from 10:30 p.m. ,, Thursday: youth groups tended ambushes of the police Public Safety and municipal, as well as sapeurs- firefighters: the vehicles were caillassés and they were wiped many shots of mortars. Firefighters and police officers were involved in arson attacks on a college, gymnasium, neighborhood school group, containers and vehicles.  Source Actu

Blockchain endorsement from China’s Xi Jinping could lead to fraud and speculation, technology analysts warn

  • The endorsement from China’s leader prompted a surge in the price of bitcoin, while development companies and institutions celebrated the blessing for the industry
  • Analysts, though, are wary that it could lead local officials, tech start-ups and cryptocurrency investors to misuse and distort the technology for their own gains Source South China Morning Post