Taiwan tech sector hit by COVID-19 outbreak

A leading Taiwanese chip testing and packaging company said on Monday (Jun 7) that all its migrant employees have been suspended from working for around two weeks to contain a coronavirus outbreak. At least 206 employees, mostly migrant workers, at facilities run by King Yuan Electronics Company in northern Miaoli county have tested positive, according to the government. The cluster is the first major outbreak in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, which is operating at full capacity to meet a worldwide shortage. Source Channel news Asia

British towns that are no-go areas for white people: Muslim author’s study of mosques reveals children ‘attacked for being white’, parents making families live under Taliban-like rules and women who can’t leave home without permission

  • Author Ed Husain visited places of worship across UK for Among the Mosques
  • Would turn up unannounced to the largest weekly gathering, Friday prayers
  • Spoke to taxi drivers, business owners, Imams and worshipers about religion
  • Islam in Britain is dominated by ultra-orthodox sect promoted by the Deobandis
  • Control over half of Britain’s mosques, and gave birth to Taliban in Afghanistan
  • One person described ‘Bolton, Dewsbury and Blackburn’ as ‘different universe’
  • Books for sale detail how women should be banned from leaving the house
  • Mosque in Didsbury, in converted church, has a sign for the ‘Sharia Department’
  • White men revealed ‘no-go areas’ in Blackburn where they would be ‘jumped’
  • White woman in Bradford predicts it will become ‘an apartheid city’ in 30 years   Source Daily Mail

Bank of Italy asks to make recovery fund permanent post-pandemic

Europe has been “forged in the crises” and therefore must emerge strengthened from the pandemic, for example, by making permanent mechanisms such as the EU Recovery Fund or the Sure Fund, said Bank of Italy Governor Ignazio Visco on Monday.

Visco also said the EU mechanisms are “common debt, well distinct” from the “previous debt of the single countries, which would remain national responsibility”, even if a part of this could enter into common management, “for example through an amortisation fund”. Source Euractiv

China ousts Taiwan as Apple’s biggest source of suppliers

China now boasts more Apple suppliers than any other country, a sign that Washington’s attempt to untangle U.S. and Chinese supply chains has had little impact on the world’s most valuable tech company.

Of Apple’s top 200 suppliers in 2020, 51 were based in China, including Hong Kong, according to a Nikkei Asia analysis of the Apple Supplier List released last week, up from 42 in 2018 and knocking Taiwan out of the top spot for the first time.  Source Nikei Assia