Paris – the financial capital of West and Central Africa

Once France was one of “the great powers”, dominating Europe and parts of the world in terms of culture and economy. The country’s demise started after the Second World War, though it still played a key role in the creation of the European Union and the euro, which was to prevent Germany from subjugating the rest of the continent. However, this strategy has failed and Berlin has become Europe’s capital, with France’s importance ever dwindling. France’s population is slowly being substituted for by people from Africa. Renaud Camus calls it the “grand replacement”. Paris, once a European, then a global is slowly turning into an African metropolis. If French elites, whose influence in Europe is fading, want to remain a world power, they can only opt for Africa. Qaddafi, the king of the kings, became a threat to France’s interests on the continent. It were not the Americans that pushed for Qaddafi’s replacement but the French elites.

Although the days of colonialism officially came to an end in the 1960s, Paris has not given up its position of a great power on the Black Continent.

France controls most of the countries in West and sub-Saharan Africa politically, economically and through a strong military presence.

Gendarme without backbone

France’s current zone of influence in Africa is the result of the policies of President Charles de Gaulle, who was unable to come to terms with his defeats in Indochina (1954) and Algeria (1962) and therefore sought to achieve the dominance of France in his former colonies. After de Gaulle, however, other presidents did not refrain from using military force and violence in Africa to defend their interests, on the pretext of protecting human rights and democracy. The French often achieved the opposite, because they made the same mistakes in their military actions as Americans made elsewhere in the world: they supported people who later became their enemies or violated human rights. Continue reading

Russia: Egypt Will Allow Us to Deploy Military Planes on Its Soil read more:

Government decree, signed on November 28, orders the Russian Defense Ministry to hold negotiations with Egyptian officials and to sign the document once both sides reach an agreement. Russia’s government published a draft agreement between Russia and Egypt on Thursday allowing both countries to use each other’s air space and air bases for their military planes. Source Haaretz

America has joined Europe in fighting China’s future in the World Trade Organization

Senior United States officials said on Wednesday that they would file a brief to the WTO as a third party in a case that China has brought against the European Union. The brief will lay out their legal arguments for why China does not deserve the designation of a “market economy,” a distinction that would entitle it to preferential economic treatment under the WTO. Source Post Gazette

Police open fire on charging migrant car in Calais

French police opened fire Saturday on a car carrying migrants near the port of Calais as it sped toward a group of officers trying to halt it for a check, authorities said. None of the nine migrants aboard the vehicle was wounded, but the car hit one of the officers and injured his knee. Calais is a key jumping off point for migrants seeking to break into Britain-bound trucks or pay smugglers to help them get across the Channel. Source TheLocal