The EU “values” fit Poland like the saddle fits a cow

“We want God”, “Great Independent Poland,” “Death to the Enemies of the Fatherland!” “Christ is Poland’s King”, “Deus vult” (Latin for God wills, a battle cry of the Crusaders)these are the principal banners carried in the annual Independence March that is held in Warsaw and also in other cities on 11 November, Independence Day. Also in the one two days ago. At the head of the marching column you could see a few white flags sporting the red Jerusalem cross. Tens of thousands of people, waving tens of thousands of white-and-red national flags young and old, of all walks of life, with whole families take to the streets. The people participating in the march think of themselves as patriots (the word which in Poland still has positive overtones) paying tribute to the fallen heroes. To the western media these are Nazis, racists, anti-semites and islamophobes. An abomination for the European Union.

What has positive overtones in Poland (patriotism, faith, family), has negative ones in Western Europe and the other way round. Migrants, LGTBQ and gender mainstreaming is not welcome in the area between the Oder and Bug Rivers. The EU values cannot be farther from Poland’s values and vice versa. The Independence March denigrated by the Western media was favourably covered by the Polish government and other national media, except for those which are far to the left and very much pro-European. The former shored up the positive aspects of the event, the latter only looked for incidents to blow them out of any proportion and join the chorus of their western counterparts in condemning “fascists” and “white supremacists”. Continue reading

Saudi Arabia offers its expertise for training imams and preachers in Belgium

The Kingdom has offered its assistance for training imams and preachers in mosques and Islamic centers in Belgium, during discussions which took place between the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance and the visiting delegation from Belgium. The joint meeting between the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Saudi ministry was held on Tuesday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs Riyadh. Source Arab News

Poland Threatens to Ban Ukrainians with “Anti-Polish Views”

Old wounds are reopened as Warsaw and Kyiv revive nagging grievances. Poland’s foreign minister, Witold Waszczykowski, has urged Ukraine to “take concrete steps” to help defuse a dispute over World War II-era crimes. In remarks at the Polish consulate in Lviv Saturday, Waszczykowski also asked Ukraine to “unblock” the work of a Polish team searching for the remains of Polish war crime victims in what is now Ukraine. Source TOL