Japan may impose tougher penalties for gold smuggling, as rise in cases seen as ‘tip of iceberg’

The government will consider stricter penalties on gold smugglers as attempts to illegally bring gold into Japan have been soaring, with offenders attempting to pocket the 8 percent consumption tax from transactions. The number of gold smuggling cases uncovered by customs authorities in the year through June jumped 1.6 times the previous year to hit a record 467, involving around ¥870 million ($7.6 million) in tax avoidance, also the largest on record, up 1.4-fold. Source The Japan Times

Fact Checking the fact-checkers: a case of intellectual dishonesty

The Western globalist elites’ current strategy to deal with dissent is to accuse anyone that disagrees with their worldview of falling victim to “fake news”, possibly from Russia. That is the reason why they have put in an effort to scrutinize statements of populist politicians in the hope of proving to the Western populace that they are wrong and only Western globalists have a monopoly on truth. The attempt is nothing more than a totalitarian tilt at basic freedoms by the self-professed liberal elites, who now show a strong distaste for diverging opinions in politics.

We have recently stumbled across an article on fact-checking and fake news by Oscar Barrera, Sergei Guriev, Emeric Henry and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya published on voxeu.org the Center for Economic Policy Research portal.The article picked a quote by “populist” French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, where she claimed that 99% of the illegal immigrants coming to Germany through Hungary etc. were men. The counter claim by the “fact-checkers” was that “statistics from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, (…) reported that men accounted only for 58% of refugees crossing the Mediterranean in 2015″. The article goes on to claim that Marine Le Pen used “alternative facts” that should be exposed as false; the authors further deplored that voters do not change their mind after fact-checking. Continue reading

War on Christmas: situation becomes grim in Paris as highways are blocked.

Monday and Tuesday morning, fairgrounds blocked with their vehicles highways in the direction of Paris, as well as the ring road. In case of prosecution, drivers are at risk. Explanation. The fairgrounds conducted a new snail operation on the outskirts of Paris on Tuesday . Once again, they intend to protest against the suppression of some fairgrounds, including the Champs-Elysees Christmas market. Source BFMTV

Saudi security officer dead in 4th Qatif terror attack in 10 days

A security officer from the border guards died Thursday evening and his colleague was injured after they were shot by unknown assailants while performing their security duties. The incident took place a week after two security officers from the special emergency forces in Al-Musawara district in Qatif province died and six others were injured in consecutive terrorist attacks. Source Arab News