As soon as Maaßen is gone, German secret service began to collect information about AfD

As soon as Hans-Georg Maaßen is no longer president, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution takes action against the AfD. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, material on the extremist efforts of the right-wing populist party is being collected. There it will be discussed whether the AfD can be declared a “test case”, which is a preliminary stage to an observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Source Focus


Interview: Russia says unable to boost oil flows to Asia as Iran curbs bite

Russia is unable to materially increase crude supplies to Asian markets who are faced with the loss of Iranian imports due to existing transportation constraints, Russia’s deputy energy minister Pavel Sorokin told S&P Global Platts in an interview Monday. Register Now But Russia could send more barrels to Europe in the coming months if the economics there become more attractive with US sanctions on Iran’s oil exports kicking-in from early November, Sorokin said. Source Platts