GOP senator: ObamaCare repeal bill coming Thursday

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said he excepts to see the text of the Senate bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare on Thursday as Senate Republicans eye a vote on the legislation next week. “I am going to vote for this bill or vote against this bill determined based on how it affects people in Tennessee and actually how it affects our nation. And my understanding is I’m going to see it on Thursday,” Corker told MSNBC. Source The Hill

Russia will regard any flights within the area of its air force group’s operation in Syria as legitimate targets

“The shooting down of a Syrian Air Force jet in Syria’s airspace is a cynical violation of Syria’s sovereignty. The US’ repeated combat operations under the guise of ‘combating terrorism’ against the legitimate armed forces of a UN member-state are a flagrant violation of international law, in addition to being actual military aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic,” the ministry said. Russia will regard any flights within the area of its air force group’s operation in Syria as legitimate targets, the ministry stressed. Source Tass