Paris and Brussels Terror Attacks: Europe Pays Heavy Price For Its Complacency

JihadEurope faces an existential crisis. Current European leadership and European leading elites have manoeuvred Europe into a situation that will spin out of control and result in a vicious circle of violence. History teaches that in the long run ethnic minorities can bring about unrest. The imams in Europe, very often in the payroll of Saudi Arabia or another Gulf country, take care that their fellow Muslims retain their religious integrity and keep themselves away from the infidels. Meanwhile European authorities struggle with violent criminals who converted to radical Islam and became even more dangerous. The Dutch jihadist reintegration approach helped criminal and jihadist El Bakraoui to evade the Belgian justice system, before he blew himself up in Brussels. To understand what is happening on the old continent, let us bring up tree main topics, and then elaborate on them.

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